6 p9 ]) ?2 n6 Y) X2 i
% c" p9 `, v G; Q/*
( X+ h& O" J1 p7 f- i Function: SKILLS_GetClass7 m5 o% R4 X8 R4 H
Address: D2Common.#10000
9 R$ |$ T+ h8 j/ F Notes:
/ u# c9 ^# y) h& t" E% e7 U*/9 t- {. l( O6 j* U) P
BOOL __stdcall SKILLS_GetClass(int nSkill, int* nClass)7 [# D8 V5 ?' K W
代码:全选! [: b( E! _5 E) ` v: N2 X! t
z, M3 e! z' y* S, U3 F' K/ g" Z/*
9 y! B/ z1 ]: @% @# \7 l5 ] Function: QUESTS_SetFlag
- P4 V! G K( D+ _0 T" A3 S) K Address: D2Common.#10003% D# J1 R0 t. H2 Z
, U( t; \+ l A2 c* I*/
% U, L, X& [7 Z, n- ~, xvoid __stdcall QUESTS_SetFlag(D2QuestFlagStrc* pQuestData, DWORD dwQuest, DWORD dwFlag)
) p* [7 v. m, R$ t/ s" {/ D代码:全选9 ?6 p& W& Z; q; a9 R
( A3 V! }6 s. d/*2 u. X3 }3 @( r
Function: SKILLS_Alloc: Z7 m5 h/ j+ {( c
Address: D2Common.#10008
\; \* t5 i7 C% t$ S1 ~/ Z8 \ Notes:
4 s6 R4 P' A! @% M" c0 r*/! |2 M/ s) t" _# G: I
D2SkillStrc* __stdcall SKILLS_Alloc(D2UnitStrc* pUnit, int nSkill)0 i1 `' Z5 K2 i- [7 L- E
, a) X: E- ]0 v2 t, f. K
6 c! i7 d, j5 W% w1 `/*
- ?* B& j3 v' C% C/ O Function: ITEMS_SetInvPage
5 V; K# r1 A$ T Address: D2Common.#10012
1 i: n/ {5 o3 p! _8 n, S8 B Notes:& P! I3 V- O" I3 L& |
*/3 v% ?2 G# X+ b. y8 S( ~8 I
void __stdcall ITEMS_SetInvPage(D2UnitStrc* pItem, BYTE nPage)7 v4 Z D) b! R! K1 S$ R
代码:全选: F1 s6 ]5 Q0 w( q
, v ~3 z9 _, d+ I0 N( h7 H+ Q
& i- b/ R) s! i0 | Function: TXT_GetLevelsRecord
) ^# d' F) F* _' i' N( R5 v* e Address: D2Common.#100145 j) j! p# T9 l: c
8 P! D6 O; {7 Z* s/ J2 v# q*/
! v, C# X' b. K9 O+ g0 WD2LevelsTXT* __stdcall TXT_GetLevelsRecord(int nRecord)
- z4 z$ A X' F. W代码:全选
" w9 o8 v& L' J1 q% L3 u6 b! |3 D8 p7 r* `. }. b
' B1 j# c8 v8 A5 {8 @ Function: ITEMS_GetInvPage
$ f2 F; l0 ~; d Address: D2Common.#10020
2 a1 C+ d* ^* K. S* g2 S* ?8 y Notes:
( n" a/ ~0 b1 B9 A/ x+ D*// W1 k; K" l, T7 i- |1 _
BYTE __stdcall ITEMS_GetInvPage(D2UnitStrc* pItem); Y: R, J8 R- z
代码:全选- s# T6 y+ \; w$ V3 \% r( G
- f U4 _; L7 y: v) Y5 D/*
' B! n' y2 ~ Y1 I/ m0 Z Function: ITEMRECORDS_GetQntWarning5 \/ x6 [; p% x9 J
Address: D2Common.#10026
8 H8 i# L5 r: W" q' D- z' i1 [ Notes:
/ C/ A3 e6 {- ~0 o5 e8 v*/
! k& `. N% G8 [! B# w+ NBYTE __stdcall ITEMRECORDS_GetQntWarning(D2UnitStrc* pItem)
3 u" E! @8 }" w2 D代码:全选2 E/ @$ \- @ S6 c# F1 b
" u$ S5 G3 ^; P, q! T3 o, a: t
; Z! [0 r% H+ A0 U2 Q( x Function: TXT_GetSuperuniquesRecord9 v" V3 \+ y- i" x- t/ l
Address: D2Common.#100381 D2 J. v2 f; O
Notes:) ~0 }- r3 Q' q4 A; q
*/6 W: V6 ?. V/ O! r- P
D2SuperuniquesTXT* __stdcall TXT_GetSuperuniquesRecord(int nRecord)
" b9 g! A* A- O o) M代码:全选
+ ~: c+ _# @! W4 y g" Z- g! _, G. M8 i
/** H/ o7 m" d; Q6 c' w$ d' Y1 G
Function: MISSILES_GetMinimumDamage
1 i# {, M# g3 J( c8 m; V/ c% E# R Address: D2Common.#10040
+ p" U$ V% x/ R D& Z. ]% R Notes:
' E3 b1 P3 P( E @9 _- J; k*/. c4 u1 W) ]5 m! T' g4 D3 ^
int __stdcall MISSILES_GetMinimumDamage(D2UnitStrc* pMissile, D2UnitStrc* pOwner, int nMissile, int nLevel)
' x! i" e+ \& n% @) {- X0 u/ J代码:全选8 x( C/ P: n- _: o6 N3 n/ ]
( O6 L# J$ z+ Q' l+ J/*" {1 T! T: d8 e0 |. I* e
Function: SKILLS_GetClassSkill( \" @8 w7 i$ v' a) f4 \
Address: D2Common.#10044
- E& t0 T! l2 Q( B Notes:
/ O3 M( H. v$ C* O*/
! L" d" |. x# e+ R( H: Bint __stdcall SKILLS_GetClassSkill(int nClass, int nSkill)% a9 h" `: g4 w, b' x5 C) K
代码:全选) h1 k0 t# L1 [3 }3 Q, n, A7 y
) t5 o) R4 L8 q
/*. G$ A' i' L1 h# q6 q& [4 j
Function: ITEMRECORDS_GetStackable
. k; [5 Y9 \& T" [9 A7 O* B+ f8 ^7 w Address: D2Common.#10048
% y( q) F" A0 m Notes:
" m8 v' o4 K3 v6 y) ~* D# O*/; e+ }% q* n8 I5 [9 \
int __stdcall ITEMRECORDS_GetStackable(D2UnitStrc* pItem)
5 _# ^" w! O8 ~" R# [2 p; A# x代码:全选! D) W" ^4 c4 y7 Y+ L
+ d+ w/ W% b& `1 h6 }
' K O* ~+ T/ Z- n+ d Function: STATS_GetBeltGoldLimit& P3 B/ P9 N) t- o' l ?$ j5 L
Address: D2Common.#10049
* ~$ w- U9 |1 K4 j" W Notes:
0 n0 s! i' v1 J0 E*/& Y6 m3 ]% w1 \& Z* f, e$ e
DWORD __stdcall STATS_GetBeltGoldLimit(D2UnitStrc* pPlayer) p% H9 j. _6 ~# N' t
代码:全选* Y+ @* I$ e/ ]% d4 r
" @- _' }8 L9 u! J g5 u
/*. |) s5 |0 z1 W
Function: ITEMS_AddToContainer
; {/ E' N% `- U2 L Address: D2Common.#10050
3 [4 _2 B- \0 h4 ?- r Notes:$ H7 N% E7 N* G, S4 h4 n8 }
' t, A% C+ z& V. kvoid __stdcall ITEMS_AddToContainer(D2InventoryStrc* pInventory, D2UnitStrc* pItem)) q. C/ u) J- K6 p, B( ~+ p
* @- U5 u& u8 j: F. |) F6 A. s
: b2 y, u; _# V- _/*$ I2 \: f$ u/ z# I
Function: DRLG_RoomIsTown# m+ A) B$ k4 d. m( |, ~6 W( a p
Address: D2Common.#10057
: @4 Y2 g$ _6 i1 d4 o Notes:
- w8 s, D& B1 a7 X& {' H: U*/
$ j, M+ w5 ^ g1 j W5 `1 PBOOL __stdcall DRLG_RoomIsTown(D2RoomStrc* pRoom)
4 S' ^; Z6 p& O4 V代码:全选( _8 b5 C! W9 A% c0 S
) X6 `; l0 a7 r4 B/*
. ^/ _# Z1 b6 T. B Function: ITEMS_SetBodyLoc& p3 p$ A2 [8 `, v9 i) {
Address: D2Common.#10058
3 S) O9 s$ j" C+ d; h$ a Notes:& h& s5 A( E* V& L0 I! w& Z) k
- @ _- P1 q8 }# kvoid __stdcall ITEMS_SetBodyLoc(D2UnitStrc* pItem, BYTE nBodyLoc)" c E- M `- i P5 P- D: m2 h9 w
8 a7 u; e' R! R% J6 \* Z5 f6 k& k, S1 B4 B: J% _
" M* l1 a9 y* v7 b0 v6 V Function: ITEMRECORDS_GetGemSockets
& e5 Y4 y# k/ [# U: n7 P. Z7 K Address: D2Common.#10060% x! Y) Z5 p) k9 i: `, V
Notes:3 t3 }8 F- G" @% Q8 a8 o
*/" F" q( H* U: E: p: f9 O1 O
BYTE __stdcall ITEMRECORDS_GetGemSockets(int nItemHcIdx)& Z) r. F0 x3 d; e
) A2 P% ~8 r3 q* Q1 @) a: s: a7 t* t" c
/*. `! \3 L+ Z( ~
Function: STATS_GetMaxLevel3 @& p8 a7 o. i1 `" `
Address: D2Common.#100664 d1 q: l7 ~2 i
# t5 Z+ M; S9 f6 P: V*/
. H8 d8 O% H' @3 sint __stdcall STATS_GetMaxLevel(int nClass)
; T7 S* Q7 U( D6 t+ y1 ~代码:全选, c, `( F6 \8 [! w$ t
7 k; ]5 ]/ e( a5 }6 A; w7 U
/** m ^' N% |: ?$ j0 B( M: X
Function: STATEMASK_CheckRlRed- }% s& k, J, Q+ z
Address: D2Common.#10068
; D. U2 X$ x2 g, l8 _ Notes:
3 I' e# C1 j4 A7 `! A" W' F! n/ i*/; U! |! c4 B* U& S, s1 Y
BOOL __stdcall STATEMASK_CheckRlRed(D2UnitStrc* pUnit)! q9 ~! q" Y1 D' X7 ?4 L8 [
# ?8 ]' t, `; q
9 h" n, k G& l+ z0 a7 W/*! j: M5 V/ k, |6 ?7 Z9 s
Function: ITEMS_GetType
0 o4 b$ l' X7 |, ?* S1 D Address: D2Common.#10082, _. }! |" [1 U2 D5 W/ ~1 g
Notes:1 B- C- _" x3 c& H: G1 I
*/# k# P& d; D; C$ O
int __stdcall ITEMS_GetType(int nItemHcIdx)
$ K* \0 U0 m, t7 i' l9 ]% f代码:全选
- `/ _# A; P! Q3 p7 a1 M. k+ ]
; F8 G+ u- j& h) v8 r. k2 r% B/*$ W( ^2 Z" _: g+ ]2 _" L
Function: ITEMS_GetInscribedName
g4 U. i. y, h8 j Address: D2Common.#10083. f/ t0 }7 Z8 {; `+ t
/ [- k E7 M& _% W- z& R7 g( u*/# P$ ~0 J4 _+ G% |/ v7 W
char* __stdcall ITEMS_GetInscribedName(D2UnitStrc* pItem)& w3 w, S" h/ s+ M
代码:全选) S9 E2 L) Q0 d G8 R" w0 G
% c2 z/ Z8 v: N. y3 X( o+ m
/*; ~( G/ q. @" z. x) |! l
Function: ITEMS_GetLevel
8 c$ m) i5 z4 L' a s Address: D2Common.#10086
b. i' \: x; G$ s6 t+ L Notes:6 R) q% }* O' f( D4 m: B2 q/ u
*/" {8 ^1 ^: ?2 j; s+ r( x0 j
int __stdcall ITEMS_GetLevel(D2UnitStrc* pItem)) x4 a/ A) G$ E/ v. ?1 r
- a* v! I1 D: m% |9 F- z( D+ w
# @8 K0 y- Z8 t0 T0 B# G/*1 ~4 V* B' i8 Z w
Function: ITEMS_CanBeRepaired
# e3 e8 `6 |4 v% Q Address: D2Common.#10087( u& Y# r+ w- H( l5 H
Notes:+ Q3 P+ u0 Y1 z! K$ C
*/0 A2 L3 B* C- c5 b( a3 P
BOOL __stdcall ITEMS_CanBeRepaired(D2UnitStrc* pItem)
$ c8 v* f* I; a- C! Q! v5 E" P代码:全选; R/ m- Y$ u6 ^' ~3 x: E4 K
% P7 W' j$ p$ H) s9 N
/*. H( ?& ?: S+ m/ `
Function: ITEMS_IsClassSpecific+ t+ H$ w& c8 R5 G }) b/ k3 w
Address: D2Common.#100894 u3 j/ y4 @6 e8 Z7 g% o: `
8 R, R6 ~1 A5 s$ |# T*/
, ?( u4 ~/ J. z3 `; z# R/ cBOOL __stdcall ITEMS_IsClassSpecific(D2UnitStrc* pItem). V& q6 r. F6 x2 F7 }) Q
/ c+ u2 X3 b! A! t3 o0 \! @
4 B. I1 K, p0 N9 H. i7 x; h2 `/*
# ^( D3 j/ _) @- Z Function: SHRINES_GetRecordFromObject) V) \# M! j: A* A6 G! U4 v
Address: D2Common.#10092
* t+ ~% p1 O2 E7 I1 q Notes:+ N. M4 q9 w' D" w9 J. ]" j8 O' H4 _
! X- k1 I2 U( h' R2 RD2ShrinesTXT* __stdcall SHRINES_GetRecordFromObject(D2UnitStrc* pObject)
3 t0 E3 J+ t+ B3 v) l代码:全选5 R+ X# E2 K0 s o6 }- v; R
2 M* ?0 P" T2 }4 I
. y, o X. J" O/ D( \8 q" y Function: TILES_GetWarpLevelNo
. C+ u8 s: t& D- G* u Address: D2Common.#10093
2 n; G' H/ y' ^ Notes:% h/ q; B2 k }8 q9 F' \: L/ {9 U9 ?
; N7 _& o) A- A. F8 ^int __stdcall TILES_GetWarpLevelNo(D2RoomStrc* pRoom, DWORD dwWarp)
' M8 p& X5 @; k' m3 a2 H代码:全选0 [( y6 F7 z, m3 ?
4 T$ y, M& z3 L. I [8 i* w/*) Q! U" T& }( e, E6 b8 f( E9 Q
Function: CHAT_SetHoverLocale
8 A9 q: f% R. f- f9 | Address: D2Common.#10097& h( u8 Y8 R3 R1 B: |- @
Notes:9 K2 Y/ I1 u8 s8 ?5 W" a1 N
' X2 y, m" m# v0 Qvoid __stdcall CHAT_SetHoverLocale(D2HoverTextStrc* pHoverText, int nLocale)( ?$ X! }4 Q+ j( r }2 z/ ]
代码:全选+ Y% N" B1 j$ H% y Q7 @
3 h! H( i3 R9 x1 H" N1 v+ a
/*! \' Y" Y0 `6 J8 m1 N' ^
Function: STATEMASK_CheckArmRed
& c3 m: Y" v" B! Z# [2 W Address: D2Common.#101007 _ V% ~- y, P( r8 q
Notes:6 J! p, Y2 c, v& w, ]
! g6 s. z4 u& h, m( x% N0 f0 lBOOL __stdcall STATEMASK_CheckArmRed(D2UnitStrc* pUnit)3 e: m# _5 j8 k: h i' K, ^, W
代码:全选$ ?# b( C3 A+ r" Q0 y4 H% u
4 l, [2 N# ~2 Y/*
J* |/ ~8 ?' q Function: ITEMS_GetQuality
* B4 f8 T7 n+ U Address: D2Common.#10106
4 H2 p$ _4 j- @8 j) s( k# P Notes:# s# m7 R& k+ d/ g3 f- P
- D4 A- j8 H+ `" ~6 Q5 p" Gint __stdcall ITEMS_GetQuality(D2UnitStrc* pItem)' J, ]% M4 @; S$ F- e* X) R
$ D& v9 z& q# j3 q5 |
. [ y" c g7 ^ W, r1 k/*
3 Z# V6 X0 }4 q% _! F; T$ N Function: ITEMS_GetTransactionCost
' n7 @/ I1 B" m' } Address: D2Common.#10107
; P; e: t7 f2 y P, Y Notes:
4 a8 D5 @3 l% W# U( }*/
; w' |3 P9 f: Hint __stdcall ITEMS_GetTransactionCost(D2UnitStrc* pUnit, D2UnitStrc* pItem, int nDifficulty, D2QuestFlagStrc* pQuestFlags, int nClass, int nType)+ w, \2 h- t& {; I( @2 i9 p
: }8 e1 N' i$ I: y( X) b
, D9 w+ ?9 G( f; \/*
; _$ n0 L5 i9 U$ x- n Function: ITEMTYPERECORDS_GetThrowable
% e% c3 h8 a# G5 n, W Address: D2Common.#10108
) }* f4 y+ y, r Notes:& Y& }7 K/ q# Y
# o+ s! d0 p1 t N# Q. h5 ^* jBYTE __stdcall ITEMTYPERECORDS_GetThrowable(int nItemType)5 G0 q' M4 d4 [
% x" N0 G& h Z/ b! |$ m
# C b/ b2 u" A/*, k. Z5 v* U+ Y3 d) N
Function: OBJECTS_SetPortalFlag, e. {- z2 c+ s7 P: M- x/ |* Y2 r% ?: u
Address: D2Common.#10111
' w0 i: f+ p- S* N9 c Notes:& l& ~; Z6 D: h9 U8 X6 p/ m5 H5 |$ d
*/: e7 P7 X# J% b% i; G3 y, P
void __stdcall OBJECTS_SetPortalFlag(D2UnitStrc* pObject, BYTE nFlag)
) |' s2 p- L4 @2 D5 U, g$ R* x代码:全选+ d6 Y8 a1 ^4 Q. O! z9 H! t9 }$ o
7 d2 F8 m/ S$ i4 R' k- W7 |! `4 I. M
/*5 L+ l' {- u( S$ c+ l
Function: SKILLCALC_EvalDiminishingReturns( u- E- U) g+ @! e
Address: D2Common.#10115
+ R7 ^3 M1 o$ {" C1 M Notes:
6 [2 }3 d& X) I- Y9 ^*/
; _& `% D c4 O9 @, U2 \- n: Eint __stdcall SKILLCALC_EvalDiminishingReturns(int nSkillLevel, DWORD dwParam1, DWORD dwParam2)
6 S. b- k( U# k$ N- H代码:全选
9 p+ K2 P. G/ d! U8 |# E5 B1 M$ I& [6 t
: W& T& Q# `3 G/*
3 p! |6 C2 y. @% N& O1 ^0 Q Function: ITEMRECORDS_GetUnique3 M7 g' U0 w8 B5 ?$ D
Address: D2Common.#10119
& a& ^9 v: j j2 C$ c6 { Notes:6 l( | g( t" N# _7 r
*/* B h8 [2 N8 c0 S0 b
BYTE __stdcall ITEMRECORDS_GetUnique(D2UnitStrc* pItem)
5 Y+ e7 | j9 L/ _代码:全选
7 O$ S: l/ X/ z$ d1 o" A+ T0 c% z, d0 c9 |2 l. R
* `; o- u. n9 F s! T A; Y Function: SHRINES_SetRecord
7 v( G( C c; V) b Address: D2Common.#10128
; w3 Y' p- ?7 e: E0 N' S, [ Notes:
, y# {+ P2 D: R% T" h x# d& a) Q& l*/3 P7 U5 G: |5 ?4 n1 \% b( y! x
void __stdcall SHRINES_SetRecord(D2UnitStrc* pObject, D2ShrinesTXT* pRecord)
5 j3 z9 Z% ?+ [- Y4 E代码:全选% Y* O" ~/ U- L6 k
" }: Z `+ G8 f8 M7 V
- F k% l1 G% z Z K9 y9 m Function: PLAYERS_SetName4 J# y5 `/ a& |& u
Address: D2Common.#10140
- \: Q7 M2 G/ o0 ]' \8 r Notes: sets the name in pPlayer->pPlayerData only
( H$ l4 Q- {! y3 B*/
: f4 W9 D+ t/ nvoid __stdcall PLAYERS_SetName(D2UnitStrc* pPlayer, char* szName)
% J6 \3 S& K- z代码:全选
+ `* \5 C! `# q; @& t. g
; _. {; y( ~4 T/ v/ H1 D0 k! `/*$ i2 T0 s0 i$ Y
Function: UNITS_Update% [+ ]# a4 K; N+ ]3 ^( a* k
Address: D2Common.#10158
2 j) q; x* M) G0 b- f6 R- G Notes:
$ [5 S |' d6 h*/1 m% A z5 R2 K; |# F& c1 u
void __stdcall UNITS_Update(D2UnitStrc* pUnit)
9 e$ s- Y. ^7 P( I& L# F+ c' n% w代码:全选
. }$ S) K: I& [$ b6 X6 B7 K" o* w+ w* [ M3 m4 @" h) `/ e0 p
/*: @: C- W4 c. h C6 O
Function: STATEMASK_CheckBlue* L) o, p o4 ^$ }
Address: D2Common.#10162: K) R7 h0 K6 k! g9 y6 c9 L y
Notes:) c6 j# Y7 g9 \* B9 D
*/6 y' w/ E8 |2 e" L1 Y4 X
BOOL __stdcall STATEMASK_CheckBlue(D2UnitStrc* pUnit)
5 Y% S, W% s4 P7 }$ W V) J代码:全选* M) U/ j3 S6 ]9 D, ~- } W5 h
' e# D" S5 `9 b3 `# ]* A
% @% s+ V% \1 g z& N: D% B6 h Function: STATLISTS_Merge
4 |$ Y$ d# h7 R6 Y% H; |1 y Address: D2Common.#10164
2 _% k( o' m# |, y4 j Notes:8 |3 a, G# i7 }* q( m6 d' b$ \0 K1 r
*/2 Z+ v) j" Z* a! O' |" c
void __stdcall STATLISTS_Merge(D2UnitStrc* pDestination, D2UnitStrc* pSource, BOOL bA3)0 ^) q5 N5 J4 H4 D, i8 k% h8 a2 y
代码:全选) g& z1 N& r6 H( z' f7 h2 n
% t) C. `# ^$ a5 Y
; I7 x& q# s. K& Z2 A$ N Function: QUESTS_CheckFlag
G8 ^/ S( l- q+ R% X/ Z6 S' y Address: D2Common.#10174
& K R3 W7 [9 ]0 i8 ~7 f Notes:
3 Z9 E7 C! E7 g- ?: A# z*/
% e! N/ G' U5 u/ o& ~$ W% `BOOL __stdcall QUESTS_CheckFlag(D2QuestFlagStrc* pQuestFlags, DWORD dwQuest, DWORD dwFlag)2 P% z$ B( g" g0 W0 z i
5 l: E( i% j9 {7 o" K6 `
: _" G. M9 L, |! y/ B/*4 J. X, \* P3 ]& L! n
Function: ITEMRECORDS_GetQuest E1 [% A4 [0 p* M0 f+ c* }
Address: D2Common.#10176
2 S; f1 ? X% x0 S1 N Notes:
, y5 ] @6 \, M V h*/0 `& W; T4 |& o* u+ L6 R& m
BYTE __stdcall ITEMRECORDS_GetQuest(D2UnitStrc* pItem)
0 {5 ^* v6 F6 k6 J代码:全选
' J" g) H: c" K6 o, T8 a
8 L M9 ?$ K2 f/*) h6 W5 v# F# l; I" h! z3 t
Function: STATS_GetMaxMana' T- K1 ~7 x# T( ?; t3 c% x
Address: D2Common.#101866 ]. ~' I4 ]" W. l* b
Notes:* F+ A0 y# }: Q1 v/ i) W
6 _5 I1 e3 ^$ V/ P# gint __stdcall STATS_GetMaxMana(D2UnitStrc* pUnit)+ T$ s/ f# N! h k
代码:全选0 y! v: S' y9 M% H G
" ]& P8 }, R8 k r: g/*5 N% T/ [ ~1 O; Z: Z
Function: STATLISTS_SetStat
' O) Q9 j6 T0 S Address: D2Common.#101888 z( w' P7 m7 B: o+ I
Notes:% b+ W% H/ J7 A d
*/% }3 D" ?, _1 Y* R- u
void __stdcall STATLISTS_SetStat(D2StatListStrc* pStatList, int nStat, int nValue, WORD nLayer)
, I! g5 K8 T" Y/ z* [/ C代码:全选9 X+ S A% j c2 y; k
' ] w7 t8 P8 P& Q3 Z c1 l, s
+ a: I# \" p1 K+ |; d Function: ITEMS_GetInitSeed+ ? v7 c9 [4 Q( `
Address: D2Common.#101939 W6 x# v8 u+ } k
( E8 J* T$ ], S8 t" p*/) {+ \( o) }2 Q0 P$ W4 U
DWORD __stdcall ITEMS_GetInitSeed(D2UnitStrc* pItem)
) X7 Q9 {% v5 \) _- O/ ]# b代码:全选/ w0 V3 G1 j, @8 U6 S
" X+ A) \$ _8 G/*
. j0 V( T) m" G- M( K& M Function: ITEMS_GetStatlist
$ f$ R5 r5 Q* E: M Address: D2Common.#10195
1 X2 h& r! o% Q, { Notes:
2 W' `4 h2 n! S0 A& `2 }*/ i$ @% m8 y2 _4 [0 v( ?
D2StatListStrc* __stdcall ITEMS_GetStatlist(D2UnitStrc* pItem, DWORD dwFlags)9 p+ x' N) Q* g! h+ W3 w1 D
代码:全选. m$ w6 U, S9 L/ S2 O- g- @
8 ~! C2 n q" ]
/*% o8 O* b; W9 R/ O9 F9 }+ S, d1 w
Function: STATEMASK_CheckRemHit
2 `. |2 b. z/ x! z5 i( v2 d% T Address: D2Common.#10198
# Z. R+ p* f8 R) [. Y c, A Notes:
& A! l/ s- n( v) F*/
5 m! P ], T1 l( V# vBOOL __stdcall STATEMASK_CheckRemHit(D2UnitStrc* pUnit); Y# a. W2 R; X0 v6 S
" r) X$ K) _& a5 N1 X3 ^! b; `# V
! S- U6 i9 T2 }7 S; w- M0 A3 i& d: g! c/*
: O0 c2 y2 _8 E0 t- X Function: ITEMS_CheckFlag
# x+ {- n; i. R' Z8 D/ t @ Address: D2Common.#10202' x, a) u1 j" d! o
( n: U- ^& A" u, u* t9 N) f2 X) V( `8 Z*/
$ b" T9 Z: J) D4 J1 Q7 P3 K, Q3 hBOOL __stdcall ITEMS_CheckFlag(D2UnitStrc* pItem, DWORD dwFlag, int nLine, char* szFile)
! K6 h, |$ m- c* r+ M: o/ ?代码:全选; n6 M/ J) ]7 R, v5 e4 M( c+ G5 A9 |
4 U6 M5 v9 c: {1 d/*, B! A4 R- d$ n1 S" R3 B1 Z
Function: MISSILES_GetMinElementalDamage
/ G6 a: l6 Z5 {6 L+ f6 v Address: D2Common.#102054 m$ P, B; L) E2 [5 G4 W; P( d2 P3 Q
Notes:- X: i2 ]. l+ B; O. I8 g
1 s [9 ^/ O* \% ~int __stdcall MISSILES_GetMinElementalDamage(D2UnitStrc* pMissile, D2UnitStrc* pOwner, int nMissile, int nLevel)$ ?6 w9 d6 A. [6 ?, H
' H" M* J0 Y5 v* C. L D" V6 K, W( E( a. U1 A0 ~" u
" J! F- K) }* S' l; s Function: DRLG_AllocLevel
8 F6 s3 o* s$ @" Z" c1 z, ] Address: D2Common.#10207
) [* `/ I" _8 \) W8 {+ E# M, R; M Notes:* J! x, W6 g% _9 U
*/3 D% l/ j$ h' h9 Y- e* ~. Q# _
D2DrlgLevelStrc* __stdcall DRLG_AllocLevel(D2DrlgDataStrc* pDrlgData, int nLevel)( J* |* _" ?$ v8 Q: N+ j% N/ j
代码:全选1 T2 a9 `& F' y6 B0 W
( d4 a* S) v3 ]4 d
/*8 a |9 }8 u( i: |
Function: ITEMTYPERECORDS_GetVarInvGfx" d1 l) N, L8 W0 N' {
Address: D2Common.#10208
2 j" S. M2 R# B Notes:4 l6 P0 W3 Z& [+ N5 O$ ~
o {3 t: m8 r1 C. `% rBYTE __stdcall ITEMTYPERECORDS_GetVarInvGfx(D2UnitStrc* pItem)
+ a9 z! s( t; d代码:全选! S; _9 |0 ^7 k; t3 r2 w. B9 _
) V7 {( q2 P: n9 b8 a" c4 R) s, N/*
1 d0 P2 z* R3 Q Function: ITEMRECORDS_GetHasInv
9 k6 P" z" X9 E$ [6 U; M# b Address: D2Common.#10211
' a3 k; `9 o) f& C8 z* z% H0 d Notes:3 Q: j8 b* @ @ a- O- k* }9 @& I
*/0 |0 F/ x2 ]: l
BOOL __stdcall ITEMRECORDS_GetHasInv(int nItemHcIdx)4 _. G$ R3 C) r5 c! i) W
代码:全选7 X& D$ f/ z& w
$ m& w ?5 |* k N \
/*' g' [* }) y4 y: d- v7 \. \6 d! c
Function: LEVELRECORDS_GetRain
" G" w' f! R% m+ _7 C& R R Address: D2Common.#10215
( @- m# t- @; h x i& Q/ ` Notes:8 g& H& z- u" N' Q0 E0 q' a
8 J0 s) {8 M) M! s' r6 ?0 J1 oBYTE __stdcall LEVELRECORDS_GetRain(int nLevel)9 H! d2 t. r# }( Q Y- J
代码:全选( t! x" m6 _1 S% W; j5 X- w
& N8 ] e1 T7 t. ?% |/*
3 q) |# A& Q4 b z! T Function: SETITEMS_GetRecord' Z; ^7 k% z: J6 V7 I2 J/ K
Address: D2Common.#10218* s1 H, ~' g) o' }6 m, E# ^
Notes:% c' O# @; P, q0 e$ z. V I* i
$ t9 j% M0 v/ e+ j) U- ~5 |D2SetItemsTXT* __stdcall SETITEMS_GetRecord(D2UnitStrc* pItem)
$ Y' H8 T2 u% w9 X' J/ O0 x' S0 v代码:全选
0 h8 Y2 ^! @! A- G, @, e+ ]/ y
; G8 \* d2 j- {- m9 ~% I) n9 P/ J/*
) \9 z! x3 B, _! E, {: e Function: ITEMFLAGS_CheckEthereal
$ i5 `% }8 w+ q7 t5 y Address: D2Common.#10225
7 U+ c: A4 v1 z) g. t( N# _ Notes:
+ w* F" J& j- M1 k" O4 `*/: e5 H# N: l! y* @7 {- u |" C
BOOL __stdcall ITEMFLAGS_CheckEthereal(D2UnitStrc* pItem)3 Z% W$ Y t0 z4 R) l( a; I: s3 W
. n9 N# N3 C9 V" d3 T. q( G
" s; L8 F) v2 y' M& V( c" L+ z/*
! Y0 `0 @& ~1 M# P- K5 z G3 m Function: PATHS_Free
4 e7 ~; Y" v2 Y7 ^+ M( }' A, { Address: D2Common.#102347 D" y: y1 |! e
Notes: S0 N1 X$ Y) d7 X' G0 I$ o
*/; v! t, G7 h' @: ~/ x" K
void __stdcall PATHS_Free(D2UnitStrc* pUnit)
* ^# |8 G# Z8 M- N0 ]1 f3 F代码:全选
* q5 O8 t2 S& [3 z4 g( Q: h3 s/ Q1 A# n: V2 i- c
/*+ I* n8 Y) a' }
Function: TXT_GetDifficultyLevelsRecord1 Q/ H, f9 e; i' R9 p
Address: D2Common.#10237
' [4 i/ X' Q% o7 T x6 j, g9 L Notes:
! ~2 f0 Z+ e0 _& O$ L, t*/
: S; P2 W7 F$ _1 e2 BD2DiffLevelsTXT* __stdcall TXT_GetDifficultyLevelsRecord(int nRecord)4 H ?! c! y1 a9 w* Q
代码:全选3 ?( I( I: P I; s( h
+ p, o- G+ B8 N! l3 T' \/*& o3 q+ n% y- R5 D& Z
Function: ITEMRECORDS_GetWeapClass2 J: P3 w0 N5 H6 t8 e
Address: D2Common.#10238+ L. _5 D1 x2 y/ g: H- D7 O
* F( B1 J1 z3 Y. f: A5 F9 X% {) N*/
/ U G" i- w* a2 |0 Kint __stdcall ITEMRECORDS_GetWeapClass(D2UnitStrc* pItem)" S4 U5 {( X* f) [! F1 i
代码:全选" ~5 A P( @0 K' B
0 Z/ H8 y! x" }! ^" r3 r$ J/*
1 ?* s6 F4 `. v# v2 |; \ Function: MONSTERS_IsUndead
0 [! Y; W# _- L6 g0 z; y# {- h. e3 b Address: D2Common.#10239
i+ |! {, E- l2 Q3 D8 V' ?' O Notes:8 w. O1 A0 \" k( z8 j' o
*/, y, z4 W4 @8 ]" L* v- t
BOOL __stdcall MONSTERS_IsUndead(D2UnitStrc* pMonster)! z* [& ~& c' D& w+ x
& Z0 S% r% f( ^) g0 B( t* g' a/ ]- B9 F. c9 g
/*- P, i! A9 {7 p
Function: MISSILES_GetSkill$ \5 f% s: p. |. R. f! _/ Z U
Address: D2Common.#10240# ?- T% @8 D# b7 d3 f2 z" D5 i7 L
Notes:' @3 b1 O1 G' ?7 \; K0 p
) W. U, D8 E2 |+ Tint __stdcall MISSILES_GetSkill(D2UnitStrc* pMissile)
0 P4 g- x9 b! u' Q4 g2 ~1 k代码:全选! X( s/ [# i" i& { V7 G) w0 v
6 e) ?% r& R2 m
& b% s0 h( ~; U3 Q Function: MISSILES_GetElemLength
/ X$ {# M3 V8 Z3 M9 u Address: D2Common.#10242
5 |5 ]! C* ?8 {9 d/ ?5 _, \; F Notes:7 ^( k, m- ]1 ^, H# m% D g
*/3 `7 u4 p f: l: _
int __stdcall MISSILES_GetElemLength(D2UnitStrc* pMissile, D2UnitStrc* pOwner, int nMissile, int nLevel)& T& \ r! R9 r+ h, o# ?$ C
代码:全选0 w' q* b3 u+ A; |& J
* y# F6 t1 S, v8 |3 A: l+ E/*- E, ?. ^ O% L0 q
Function: ITEMS_CheckRequirements
- [( x" |% l% X" ^ ~* ^$ T5 f4 b Address: D2Common.#10244
% g* T m6 e- j( Y! \. a" M Notes:% M6 K3 \ g2 ]4 X
*/6 D: _- u& W8 p- I- ~! r2 M- `
BOOL __stdcall ITEMS_CheckRequirements(D2UnitStrc* pItem, D2UnitStrc* pUnit, BOOL bEquip, BOOL* bStr, BOOL* bDex, BOOL* bLvl)
+ k0 ]* {0 v, x- ?代码:全选
L' z& h) {) G* o5 T1 P4 N
; i8 z9 m* {$ S; P; M4 n) S: Y( Y7 N/*
2 S- n0 y" r* ]: u* t: a1 U Function: TXT_GetMagicAffixRecord
, K3 X+ V3 f, L `# w" ~2 r+ d Address: D2Common.#10248
6 R; v* }( o' @- H s8 W Notes:! ^9 C) T9 F9 ]$ ^
*/; q% ? @0 z" X0 H' r" Q# D m
D2MagicAffixTXT* __stdcall TXT_GetMagicAffixRecord(int nRecord) h+ P. T# P6 x/ I
6 y4 W- J% K4 {. ~2 ?1 G- s n7 c, C3 ]8 X
4 k8 d3 f J( S% W7 G$ K M; J Function: STATEMASK_CheckRfRed
+ m5 `3 m- e5 Q# ] Address: D2Common.#10254' e5 {( K" n' L% ]
, ^3 R5 j' u8 Y$ o, a*/+ u2 j- [& P4 @. T# j% K- t
BOOL __stdcall STATEMASK_CheckRfRed(D2UnitStrc* pUnit)
: j/ Q" ~7 F4 S& B& Y代码:全选+ y9 B; r/ b; \$ n
. Z7 D0 A8 k# B, ]( }0 K/*+ _3 y. F! c1 u$ P
Function: MONSTERS_IsDemon
4 R6 l/ H5 I u8 W2 d9 v+ E2 ~ Address: D2Common.#102559 D6 ?$ \9 c. O' ^! W) m4 u& M
' C9 F ~. t7 {8 A" s*/
7 }0 d1 R1 s5 I4 K8 qBOOL __stdcall MONSTERS_IsDemon(D2UnitStrc* pMonster)
/ d6 z+ z4 S( l8 B6 a代码:全选' k6 A3 `4 P7 Q5 n5 x( G+ C# N
; G3 X3 i* D+ l+ ]1 ~5 L' \/*
r( W% r- V. e9 K# ?1 V Function: MISSILES_GetMaximumDamage" }- D3 b( N* x5 b7 G
Address: D2Common.#10256
: ]" I) W# A/ Q/ v4 W( H Notes:
. I5 K# R' L3 F$ S" y9 W- ]8 V+ l*/3 J2 h8 @& r. Z8 p& Y! y
int __stdcall MISSILES_GetMaximumDamage(D2UnitStrc* pMissile, D2UnitStrc* pOwner, int nMissile, int nLevel)
$ ~" y4 J& u( P3 s6 ^* J代码:全选
' S: B5 r: S+ H* V& b; r+ c
3 z+ l* d" S) V2 z: T. z. t/*
* s; {1 w) f3 [% m# n Function: ITEMS_GetMagicPrefix
+ n7 b% W r% y Address: D2Common.#10257
$ h% C4 l3 s4 G; ?, K Notes:4 a+ s" t3 n! _) z' j! i* r i3 u
*/5 k" L0 p; G# t/ n$ c, H
WORD __stdcall ITEMS_GetMagicPrefix(D2UnitStrc* pItem, int nPos)( I! C5 N, R* u% `
2 d m) T" v) c) `) k o
5 L$ i2 Z+ `5 m9 e/ W7 e/*3 d/ l2 p V1 m# `1 D, W
Function: OBJECTS_GetPortalFlag
' ^* E; V7 ~6 Y# N' }9 u [ Address: D2Common.#10258! W, S, Z6 K: F- ^9 A @8 P/ e% R$ A: o5 P
" G) j7 X" Z, {* {+ Q1 c*/
% ]6 X7 d m4 I, SBYTE __stdcall OBJECTS_GetPortalFlag(D2UnitStrc* pObject)
9 a ^& ^% M. r8 G5 }! H F代码:全选
9 G; C: {5 U8 r' t: q- W
* ~8 N7 q2 l7 g; G6 L3 C/*
7 n9 p3 O; _; ? Function: STATEMASK_CheckDamBlue, Y4 f5 o8 s/ Q2 b7 S
Address: D2Common.#10263
0 \+ [3 J% i8 M Notes:5 c6 X6 g' s$ j3 \- d# v% J
*/* X3 c- k2 s8 p, @. k+ r7 _
BOOL __stdcall STATEMASK_CheckDamBlue(D2UnitStrc* pUnit)+ P# t0 M0 L4 D+ }( k5 R
代码:全选+ g' K) G9 B1 d& k$ I& r
* \. n8 [2 o3 k: r
3 c, N) N* r/ m/ p1 w* H0 j Function: SKILLS_GetNext2 Q! R( `# }; |/ C5 H y) {1 H3 S
Address: D2Common.#10273
: q4 O- t$ r s0 J Notes:7 E* I; I& C3 x' g1 b2 r
" n O# @0 f( A2 q+ H2 j( Z0 p& h) D! gD2SkillStrc* __stdcall SKILLS_GetNext(D2SkillStrc* pSkill)3 B5 v$ [4 b7 T( Y7 O& r
9 `# d6 P/ ?! o+ ^+ u! L
& U1 o9 V+ C g, Z% j& U/*
! J' G# q+ k' u5 N& c Function: ITEMRECORDS_GetTransmogrify
$ a- N% e9 v( `8 w Address: D2Common.#10275
% d+ U+ I. S" l% ? Notes:) S- d' ~3 j& W. K
*/; l2 F' Q2 F& M6 {9 V9 \
int __stdcall ITEMRECORDS_GetTransmogrify(int nItemHcidx)
; i" @" N. O, K$ W代码:全选" q7 O# ]! e ^/ a7 L2 n5 N
1 n+ @+ ?! Q( w1 T4 R5 ?9 q. g/*' c) B0 _- i% d3 r
Function: STATEMASK_CheckActive6 _1 H/ \5 b$ Q; V z4 R1 d
Address: D2Common.#102761 @/ V" Q* ^# I3 W' F9 ^5 m) G
Notes:& P; \4 f8 u! ^- B, p
*/6 P$ |- @& J8 m9 P0 Y* \% u8 d3 F
BOOL __stdcall STATEMASK_CheckActive(D2UnitStrc* pUnit)& M, b& E5 P/ T) u! `
8 h2 d0 v& l, S0 q3 X4 F3 Q, A: X3 |0 z
/ a# y$ S9 h- C8 y# w Function: TXT_GetCompCodeRecord
r" @) D; x) K: ?, r Address: D2Common.#10293. y! |1 K$ s; l$ @- u$ t# B
Notes:; J4 U( u6 C6 D
- ?, ^. H4 d( e/ Q& OD2CompCodeTXT* __stdcall TXT_GetCompCodeRecord(int nRecord)
6 z$ ]& u% x9 o/ P( w* j, O代码:全选
7 O I$ n2 z" D2 B$ Q' J7 I4 W' F5 ?: C. `0 f c6 d
}9 V4 ]1 e( u# T- _: c) g Function: OBJECTS_GetRecordFromObject
% U7 ]; E5 S2 q( h: o. Z. q Address: D2Common.#102964 f q- d$ O7 w- u1 o* C
6 C/ o, ^' r+ j! z' [9 s* V4 P*/- O% v9 i' I8 O5 W
D2ObjectsTXT* __stdcall OBJECTS_GetRecordFromObject(D2UnitStrc* pObject)/ H% o7 ^2 ~& w* Z& G7 F% l
代码:全选5 u+ f3 S# V: p
+ J% I8 Y) f, i. L8 |) v3 e/*
/ s6 E# _2 u" e; |3 D7 _5 `/ { Function: SKILLS_GetMaximumDamage/ [0 |! ?8 m9 q- e( }7 u u
Address: D2Common.#10297
k1 R6 S% x6 V1 K5 @+ W Notes:
8 ]% ]8 T2 b- a7 n3 l*/2 r$ D" o' b$ q5 `8 z0 H0 N7 K
int __stdcall SKILLS_GetMaximumDamage(D2UnitStrc* pUnit, int nSkill, int nSkillLevel, int nType)
$ v1 k( l; |. B3 s5 h3 e' ]代码:全选
G! Q6 B$ f7 F- Z2 _& k- C% a1 w# R2 k2 r
: {0 m& X' c/ u" y4 \: @" L. m/ ^+ i Function: SKILLS_Assign
" z- Y) j) m: H, D( N1 @" r Address: D2Common.#10302
- i! O7 `5 T v9 D: k) U& h+ v% U Notes:
! [# o6 j) [. V( n7 R- e z; X7 i' [# \ P*/
+ ?3 ~0 \( m% e& x1 O* v nvoid __stdcall SKILLS_Assign(D2UnitStrc* pUnit, int nSkill, int nSkillLevel, int nA4, char* szFile, int nLine)
3 @! i4 _3 b! U E, V; k( I0 _代码:全选1 W2 x# N1 L( c/ s7 |
, F% y! y# a1 ^& _0 b O2 G/*
5 @, ^4 a! I7 }0 v; r* ] Function: SKILLS_GetLevel
; p( ^3 x ~) j, x Address: D2Common.#10306' f' A8 O7 Q: L( V) {7 K
Notes: setting third arg to false returns the base level' o1 L% l5 v( ]/ i: }/ ]! A* a0 S
*/! E' ?" G9 s2 q* u8 M3 p2 x
int __stdcall SKILLS_GetLevel(D2UnitStrc* pUnit, D2SkillStrc* pSkill, BOOL bTotal)
1 x* K. W: l( Y. D, R$ M0 b代码:全选9 u- |3 X' `1 P* J0 s, N
$ r; v8 }# c/ L- |( }9 R/*
9 V6 A8 _& W/ t; E4 t5 t7 { Function: STATLISTS_MergeBaseStats/ ]& z. z# K0 o( _6 o
Address: D2Common.#10308
: b( L; A; P$ W5 S& ?8 A. | Notes:
- j6 ?. h( `8 h6 e( U*/
, ~9 Y1 |9 r Y' p( R+ i) M! P, avoid __stdcall STATLISTS_MergeBaseStats(D2StatListStrc* pDestination, D2StatListStrc* pSource)
u9 F! r# _) @代码:全选
9 N& R7 O' z* G- v, R' v
. C9 @$ U( F$ x; U4 D& V/*
/ N7 M+ X* t7 V- u2 Y9 ]) P1 W Function: DRLG_GetCoordListFromRoom
+ Q0 W' s" b% P* v# z6 X; l# I Address: D2Common.#103101 Y) l, r, M/ d7 E2 a, q- O, P! ~
- m8 Q1 x) A* A/ k) V! C3 K1 o*/7 A, X e8 G) k' B E' w
D2RoomCoordListStrc* __stdcall DRLG_GetCoordListFromRoom(D2RoomStrc* pRoom)
' N7 p1 H D" Q1 e0 g3 h. h- D: T代码:全选
5 S* R5 o2 F+ Q0 k/ r, ]) [" J* }+ j- q9 V6 l; o% G2 j
6 J$ G& K; J8 y Function: ITEMS_SetMagicPrefix4 L$ e. \5 o7 ]5 P# g( L6 s
Address: D2Common.#10312
$ X" K n8 Z2 b' Z Notes:; d8 v7 [# |4 K+ R* e
*/# k! v" K1 c1 W; {
void __stdcall ITEMS_SetMagicPrefix(D2UnitStrc* pItem, WORD nPrefix, int nPos)
# p0 f" U2 j! s- c代码:全选) y* `+ R+ e/ |
6 \# C. N& x: j" z. s5 j& e( m
/*; \; D: P$ U$ \8 U
Function: SKILLRECORDS_GetPassiveState
Z" G" O+ {8 @* |, A+ U Address: D2Common.#10313
3 D! m7 t; }1 F: V Notes:2 b$ s$ X4 ?% z& W/ s6 {5 x
*/ Y* t: E' ~, c& ~1 T3 c
int __stdcall SKILLRECORDS_GetPassiveState(int nSkill)5 ]5 ^7 h r" V' `9 a. y( U
代码:全选' I! V+ F- G4 F X/ L
% o( s4 N; F" ?8 F# z
/*9 N1 @5 P5 Z% n* ^6 p( M" W
Function: LEVELRECORDS_GetLevelType
4 W) ~& N5 a7 @ Address: D2Common.#10319
1 D W8 c5 f- y Notes:* A/ A$ ?! v' b- q
. l+ G2 J. F) k) Gint __stdcall LEVELRECORDS_GetLevelType(int nLevel)$ g5 F5 a m6 o% R9 Q0 Q4 o8 P) `
" I4 S( Z9 I3 \& R1 R9 N" a* K8 |/ J/ C- ^
& j I7 V" B8 b$ W/ @ Z4 [% l' J1 k \ Function: ITEMRECORDS_GetMissileType: F2 p+ G' h5 v
Address: D2Common.#10321
1 s2 J. c2 @, Y% b4 W Notes:/ [$ i+ r( ^( x
*// Q. P( e' U. r! D
WORD __stdcall ITEMRECORDS_GetMissileType(D2UnitStrc* pItem)
$ j& b, g1 u: @! B代码:全选" b, h" i. i$ E% B; v ?
7 K" c) y& L+ J0 X4 ~0 R% `% ?
/*$ [+ q5 J0 d: r
Function: DRLG_InitializeLevel" E: t8 O2 j5 ~/ ]6 t7 k
Address: D2Common.#10322' _; N$ P Z8 B
' s$ f5 u5 o# `*/
8 y& Y% F% s! p; k6 P9 x0 Vvoid __stdcall DRLG_InitializeLevel(D2DrlgLevelStrc* pDrlgLevel)& Q, p( A- M$ n E& b: f( `( y% P; r0 h
代码:全选( B; y* z0 \; `" S4 d5 i$ Q
. _. U, f4 _, I# q0 R& E4 Q5 s/*
. R! J6 p+ w" ]1 h- r7 u% M2 Z. T Function: ITEMS_Is2Handed* J4 S+ x: ]) C, J' Q8 X4 w ]+ n! l
Address: D2Common.#10326# x$ n E& M! G0 }
2 Z; _: m' l+ e; Q$ }- M2 a# {' ~! D*/
: _; w& Y6 J' K( C" M3 ~5 ], CBOOL __stdcall ITEMS_Is2Handed(D2UnitStrc* pItem)
% n6 W7 s7 Y8 X4 m0 c7 W. z! g代码:全选
$ u0 E$ `$ D Q$ @ s
8 p1 A, ~3 q" @# B/ ~; W7 e/*/ p/ s; h4 a- e' p) Z
Function: DRLG_GetRoomFromUnit8 \/ a7 c' v) x6 l* c1 O; E
Address: D2Common.#10331+ w! \9 m7 I; E- h3 F( `
% }2 G9 }! R: H*/
* o2 u* j, t- t+ cD2RoomStrc* __stdcall DRLG_GetRoomFromUnit(D2UnitStrc* pUnit)' Z4 O/ i; n) I9 o' Z
代码:全选/ `: A2 D/ `: \/ M
5 k: p9 o( y* S$ ?/*- v% J# L( r; i( i; c' L) A) ?
Function: PATHS_SetTarget' z1 m( e/ V" d$ ]% t
Address: D2Common.#10336/ Y) Y1 M) z- p- H5 a5 R m1 M5 O
Notes:5 u: x* J( t9 K4 J# y
*// `! o5 s) @* c' \0 J+ M5 s4 F
void __stdcall PATHS_SetTarget(D2DynamicPathStrc* pPath, D2UnitStrc* pTarget)* o# d, f$ C% V) H( g% _
代码:全选1 X$ i5 F& n+ T9 l ^
5 v- A: E6 s8 j
( E& |3 V7 X3 F+ f: Q1 q Function: STATEMASK_CheckHide0 q, d7 j( q- E# ]0 s- F
Address: D2Common.#10341
+ H/ K, P' G1 ` Notes:
' t$ P ~8 ~# }& E0 J; i# n$ q8 w*/
% Y2 r) x9 o) _+ P& b6 h: vBOOL __stdcall STATEMASK_CheckHide(D2UnitStrc* pUnit)7 @% K# t; p9 ~6 e( h5 f0 S9 u
4 b/ a% H/ Y# x4 p
& ~0 z0 ~! v5 K1 `8 I/*2 h1 C- K" u8 A3 M% [) a
Function: STATEMASK_CheckRcRed8 f9 O C B; U9 b4 J
Address: D2Common.#10355 H k5 ~7 e; C3 _" Y
Notes:: r2 G* g$ Y8 W+ _& z1 i1 M7 D
*// y% h# N( | ]' t' z+ J1 W5 ^% v M, j
BOOL __stdcall STATEMASK_CheckRcRed(D2UnitStrc* pUnit) C2 e6 A3 K* A; `1 _# `
代码:全选7 }# A. F% [+ P5 X |& d7 Z
2 X+ [) Z, P6 L$ H. E6 ]/*
+ @, p" }4 M5 j/ r/ \ Function: PLAYERS_AllocPlayerData- g; X% Z' g1 a' ]" L
Address: D2Common.#10356
; l/ M2 p3 E0 P$ E, u Notes:" u! L- v" [* C& ^) \6 ~
*/ W! J" Q/ R% d$ Z
BOOL __stdcall PLAYERS_AllocPlayerData(D2UnitStrc* pPlayer)
2 U. O1 f/ \/ [- c, f2 x代码:全选
3 l: c: R$ H; k- _) y N8 {: l D6 D/ {0 b3 A4 j
3 J! T1 H; j, P( t/ _$ ]3 P Function: ITEMS_CanDualWield
* \9 U: e* i* e+ O& j0 C Address: D2Common.#103648 m3 Y% r4 h9 K) Z$ {
- ?2 m4 D5 f0 ?; z/ l*/
. ~3 b, q0 W+ D+ o0 ~9 U2 @BOOL __stdcall ITEMS_CanDualWield(D2UnitStrc* pUnit, D2UnitStrc* pItem)
* n" a& H! ]. A; c1 ^# r- F4 N代码:全选' f+ Y9 l7 ^4 f
( G. g! I2 s% I+ t
! l# ]) ]9 L. ~" i& Q$ @ Function: STATEMASK_CheckRpRed
4 h+ y0 S% p/ @" {# D0 U& [' l Address: D2Common.#10370% y- r% W8 x; t# _- {, @
) P( p8 _. F7 r# W8 m*/! X. H7 V3 i0 r1 U: Z: T
BOOL __stdcall STATEMASK_CheckRpRed(D2UnitStrc* pUnit)
! E" g: a2 a" D3 K# h代码:全选, n" o5 g# o9 }5 f0 p$ }7 X3 z
* p7 `" G/ ~4 t+ F ~: Q4 G
/*7 D: v0 S$ U3 S) i% T) E, R
Function: STATEMASK_CheckLife$ s/ f& P0 a) B9 d6 @/ F# p
Address: D2Common.#10372
5 P* I/ @: h8 I* @ x( h Notes:1 M) ?* u5 S! M1 [
% y+ I9 k. D2 pBOOL __stdcall STATEMASK_CheckLife(D2UnitStrc* pUnit)( T2 ]& j0 y; P* n' L
/ q( p6 B5 Y9 g0 h4 c4 ^: }. O& u- |. f: y
/*& s ~' \) X" z2 O
Function: ITEMS_SetLevel
( j! {1 _" ^: E/ y/ K Address: D2Common.#103772 o8 m& Q/ s7 [8 _6 h/ G
Notes:$ A, t! ^; c# Q& v; R# ~( L
*/% t$ W6 n L/ b/ C0 w
void __stdcall ITEMS_SetLevel(D2UnitStrc* pItem, int nLevel). h6 B) [# [/ [- |* M4 [
代码:全选 r$ m5 z, b# d S+ a
1 m E E( D; b/ Z7 w3 x/*) _3 U. q3 {9 y' b' _* o5 H4 S
Function: STATS_GetBonuses! s8 `) j9 V! y9 { k
Address: D2Common.#10379+ \' A9 }0 Y" f' V5 ~8 g. V4 f
) f0 k! E J$ s* ?9 r* O5 J4 `*/
3 o; q5 L6 `0 p/ pint __stdcall STATS_GetBonuses(D2UnitStrc* pUnit, int nStat, WORD nLayer)
* d7 H/ {9 M u. d- q/ G' P代码:全选+ t5 u# {6 {4 s* n) z0 Q
# B8 J, D, ?1 ]4 |% b7 [/*: c" y0 ^! e$ b6 H
Function: ITEMS_SetOwnerGUID
" y, ^ m) \' {: P$ g! M Address: D2Common.#10386
. f$ O2 a( M4 u: u1 { Notes:. n$ d, z4 [7 @. P3 H4 w
9 P: n( n- G9 v$ g8 K& |$ X' bvoid __stdcall ITEMS_SetOwnerGUID(D2UnitStrc* pItem, DWORD dwGUID). `8 k* z9 f5 [$ f
* m( J& \! s+ y/ B6 g1 G
$ D: }# Q! f: L) {$ U/*0 r9 A, \+ a6 q1 I7 F$ C2 l$ d$ O
Function: INVENTORY_Alloc. @4 p" y! c" r. r E& y" n8 W0 u
Address: D2Common.#10387
b: E4 p) l7 A$ R( [, s Notes:
" @% [, R& i! B' r X*/! ]9 c7 I: a1 h+ B
BOOL __stdcall INVENTORY_Alloc(void* pMemoryPool, D2UnitStrc* pUnit), e* D, }, X9 P4 k3 `: K
代码:全选3 K: V1 `$ o% ]+ G9 i
3 o! \; m5 w" a+ V% M6 P/*
0 [% a: H M/ p1 Z% R Function: PATHS_GetTarget* U4 Y# n7 t/ M$ N) w
Address: D2Common.#10392& {3 o. x& R: ]2 N8 V2 k
* O& o0 ~, u$ @! h; Q/ p( {/ y*/
' L0 {) N c: _, }, tD2UnitStrc* __stdcall PATHS_GetTarget(D2DynamicPathStrc* pPath)2 M" N% l4 z7 l2 T( ^2 C3 u
3 p" C* E% H n5 M0 @
: Y! V0 e/ y; ?# F7 b/*4 a. n* x8 @& L3 b/ K% O( `% p2 |# [
Function: ITEMRECORDS_GetAlternateGfx
# h1 G6 q& ?7 J" X+ z. p) u: x0 P Address: D2Common.#10394( E8 E1 b) f$ D4 N3 E0 R4 S- K
Notes:6 ^5 F5 ^2 V9 k( Y- R3 G
6 ?9 ], ^! I3 ] w0 GDWORD __stdcall ITEMRECORDS_GetAlternateGfx(D2UnitStrc* pItem), V6 h1 i: o6 q9 Z! H! V& V4 I
. `0 j' k8 Y' {. O( T# @- c+ u) \& x8 K: q {9 d
/*6 j. A$ D1 f: s9 e
Function: ITEMRECORDS_GetLevel
" v& u' h3 V8 ^/ _' ^2 {2 c7 y Address: D2Common.#103951 x* @) J, d- K* V6 @0 r
+ @( p) ]- Y: P*/8 e$ ?7 E$ `: U1 |- b* L
BYTE __stdcall ITEMRECORDS_GetLevel(D2UnitStrc* pItem)7 O& S7 q! Y' e; L
代码:全选9 I# a6 g$ ?: m: T9 x
6 ~8 D' d* @8 B" d, E& p/*$ w- P+ g' Z9 w( b
Function: STATS_GetExpForNextLevel
0 v; q1 l+ Y4 d' s Address: D2Common.#10399+ T+ r5 X& l) q6 z
+ {; K. q* b: E" Q*/
5 Z, V2 B7 y* f( T! sDWORD __stdcall STATS_GetExpForNextLevel(int nClass, int nLevel)$ t0 K. z- Y* b: ]* _- a' F
代码:全选- j: `" @4 f5 c$ m& o g* M+ v8 s
) @+ c7 F; {7 [+ e% x4 m/*. ^$ \6 {6 o7 c5 O% i N
Function: STATEMASK_CheckAttBlue, B8 U9 l/ s* Z
Address: D2Common.#10402
. c9 E3 y5 n: E1 d' Y Notes:
) d" b& ]7 x% B*/
& |3 i4 y% m4 W0 S) e' {BOOL __stdcall STATEMASK_CheckAttBlue(D2UnitStrc* pUnit)
# T; m9 J; k2 G8 _5 \/ M4 Z H代码:全选7 Q0 j; |# p! i) O
0 ]5 i8 k* j4 Z6 @. [
' f% y G' A0 ?6 |# c$ | Function: TXT_GetShrinesRecord
) g, n' i! G6 f2 Y; n Address: D2Common.#10403! K! e* l, o$ J& f2 y
Notes:4 q3 m, m% L( L" }5 q
*/5 T( ]# f& w* i
D2ShrinesTXT* __stdcall TXT_GetShrinesRecord(int nRecord)
" B9 H, |1 ], _! ?( j2 o% I代码:全选
2 t6 |% C7 l% u4 f: F _: @4 p' H
2 k& Z- y* X& y7 N3 l/*
) \1 `7 S h- r- b! l& t) F Function: STATEMASK_CheckArmBlue2 |* F/ L4 C X6 ~' X) _
Address: D2Common.#104043 C5 ?, J v3 ?7 w7 I$ |
Notes:& l% q( I4 Q! P. c4 H! }
*/2 m; c( L) z1 J( t: a
BOOL __stdcall STATEMASK_CheckArmBlue(D2UnitStrc* pUnit)0 q. j) P7 t9 V5 Q
% t; T$ l+ h4 T9 @. O
& F$ u: u1 N3 |/*- k( n) f. D1 F9 o
Function: ITEMS_GetSeed
$ U9 G( P+ I4 C Address: D2Common.#10411& a2 c; x: A: \
Notes:! u4 ]4 e/ k7 ]2 a
*/) v# E" K: }$ C1 J( E
D2SeedStrc* __stdcall ITEMS_GetSeed(D2UnitStrc* pItem)
# c$ n v: n" p& l9 Z代码:全选
) x; t) g% U6 P w2 z+ u$ t2 _" R* d
2 u5 i# i7 ~7 A* F Function: ITEMS_SetInitSeed
/ \% ?2 b h# \( o+ H' L+ m Address: D2Common.#10414
5 ^# t8 ?7 T0 G- q; @1 q: c) K4 R Notes:+ i3 K. z/ S, ]; T- E, R7 a a# ^
q* A4 U3 o5 `6 }void __stdcall ITEMS_SetInitSeed(D2UnitStrc* pItem, DWORD dwSeed); l4 W1 Y2 l9 e7 _0 a( Z
代码:全选3 T; D1 k* f- v
) q9 J3 a4 D6 b1 \# Q
/*+ e3 T: K# t5 M9 _
Function: ITEMS_GetBodyloc
3 y% z9 i0 H" o$ b+ R( O3 v: g Address: D2Common.#10417
5 a: B4 ^# p1 y# E Notes:
, q$ d) w/ A9 M8 I9 I. e' ]" f*/8 r$ R S# C2 H& m# w8 Z1 ?$ Q
BYTE __stdcall ITEMS_GetBodyloc(D2UnitStrc* pItem)
9 F: D6 h' @$ t7 F0 n7 A1 e" e) V代码:全选
8 G* n& q; M- j% K# O# _5 x% Z& R0 u
3 y! d+ C7 f0 ^. k1 x9 y i( X6 ^- x/*
' N0 Q( Q( b( E2 W Function: UNITS_UpdateSkills0 O/ M8 v8 t5 r# H3 Z1 q6 @& M
Address: D2Common.#10418# [# Y5 y, B; W+ c5 \8 ~( z
0 S! `. z9 k0 q+ ]5 b*/- V& @& i3 m; x0 T
void __stdcall UNITS_UpdateSkills(D2UnitStrc* pUnit)- t$ w# }0 { o/ s
& M, f5 E- Q* Y) C! U2 @+ c
O+ P$ ~2 ?# y% C/*
$ M$ e' l( l' C7 s7 \- P4 s4 u Function: CHAT_FreeHoverText
, v/ v( [( g- `7 x, l' M; W Address: D2Common.#10422
4 w4 T$ K- s% m6 K x% j Notes:6 o) T( {, S6 F' f
# K) ]" ~! v: c, Yvoid __stdcall CHAT_FreeHoverText(void* pMemoryPool, D2HoverTextStrc* pHoverText)# A4 | p) k. ]/ A% Q
代码:全选5 [/ {( m+ E b y0 t8 _
1 F: D. Y; I+ G r! ~4 F9 ^
/*7 S: i" ]% W/ l7 T: W# p
Function: ITEMCALC_Eval
( h& a. d: @; T1 Q0 y Address: D2Common.#10428$ g/ W9 }% |8 j
Notes:+ E* k; q p Z0 x& p& L; O9 U! @
*/* R$ G- B. v6 u! M$ K( [$ ]" s
int __stdcall ITEMCALC_Eval(D2UnitStrc* pUnit, D2UnitStrc* pItem, DWORD dwCalc)3 o, ]0 y e/ d) K5 r- r
代码:全选! U* V' Y! V0 l& v7 I2 v% d
4 M. X2 h+ B# N( S
5 f; j8 X0 h8 [+ f0 v, P Function: ITEMTYPERECORDS_GetQuiver
; N+ _2 U i# } Address: D2Common.#10430$ p$ Z/ ~, r8 j$ f
; q5 { [% w* z5 V; D0 |9 L9 P*/# y/ h9 [. n$ V: a
WORD __stdcall ITEMTYPERECORDS_GetQuiver(int nItemType)
# W4 n5 E& N& F; n7 Z代码:全选' l8 e$ ~9 _! Y6 S
3 b. h) e6 D" [4 X- B8 |/*8 e6 N4 L2 r* n1 A# E9 a# ?' j/ @
Function: ITEMRECORDS_GetMinStack/ n0 O6 W) M5 c6 L6 S. L
Address: D2Common.#10432) k: y" b/ \' K7 w* ]* a3 g% u
Notes:7 z3 q5 I6 |! z5 @( j# q' f
* ~$ e! k5 m3 r# Jint __stdcall ITEMRECORDS_GetMinStack(D2UnitStrc* pItem)
3 }' F! _5 W8 h代码:全选
' ]( M+ S% Y, n+ |! E+ c% o* W
4 z6 g. M* u; S$ S/ ?/*
* A8 C3 h$ e6 a& w7 f Function: WAYPOINTS_Check% f* ?; f. C+ t% y7 l, h
Address: D2Common.#10436
. g; r1 Z! [: J; S Notes:- ~4 C& C. W+ [1 \0 |- `; T. f
; v8 e6 ^0 h8 e& P: v. P7 a" nBOOL __stdcall WAYPOINTS_Check(int nWaypoint, D2WaypointDataStrc* pWaypointData)
- z% y8 t; |- l9 P代码:全选
5 e2 a/ I( {& r/ d2 {
, H0 f' Y9 g" x1 D3 J; J/*
* N$ M4 n7 j- [ Function: ITEMS_GetOwnerGUID6 G$ x+ s2 x: k! T
Address: D2Common.#104389 f6 s% |% R8 q) p( J
Notes:2 Y, D+ v5 i; T0 q I
) W2 \0 ]8 \# l! QDWORD __stdcall ITEMS_GetOwnerGUID(D2UnitStrc* pItem)
6 u$ n. k* T4 |7 W+ M) J代码:全选
+ E" P8 P' u! b3 J- T4 c; [; z+ L- V+ f$ h& m9 a6 \
) u) f. O7 D% Z Function: PATHS_AllocStaticPath8 l' i) a0 n. ~8 R! J0 }
Address: D2Common.#104457 ?! F2 U: O3 @' y( w k U+ Q
5 w% ^: |5 W6 n*/$ X! ?. P( V$ T- Q
D2StaticPathStrc* __stdcall PATHS_AllocStaticPath(D2UnitStrc* pUnit)1 K8 T5 u8 j2 q; ]0 V0 O4 K
代码:全选1 E/ U' v( G- w2 {
) X4 r! M+ z+ a8 b
# O6 U; D# c9 `+ Y Function: ITEMS_GetRecordFromCode
( b s; a8 O7 W/ Y2 v5 U/ ] Address: D2Common.#104504 a T7 {" ]5 E" G) j3 w( f& r
) l& ~# `4 h. o) Y: a*/
6 ~" K- w2 P" jD2ItemsTXT* __stdcall ITEMS_GetRecordFromCode(DWORD dwCode, int* nIndex)
. ~. L- x1 P( Z" c" x/ I: l代码:全选
0 n6 T4 O. }9 `- h- l& b- _! R$ N3 b; c
$ Z; M& N+ D5 Y# ], K: s% }( g Function: CHAT_AllocHoverText
& U1 G9 o+ X0 B' } H Address: D2Common.#10454
4 M: G% ] i" u% N6 o Notes:# P# `9 N/ ^" P. S$ m
|7 E+ g7 h8 R: d% ^4 ~D2HoverTextStrc* __stdcall CHAT_AllocHoverText(void* pMemoryPool, char* szText, DWORD dwFrame)
- n# U3 | g" e/ ~7 u代码:全选
7 {/ {* r5 z8 |; S% z8 q; r- J# ~" l+ k! W2 s& B+ A) v$ h' j D
/*% R) t6 I8 I, y3 |/ q- u
Function: DRLG_GetActFromLevel
6 C9 T8 J: _- B3 u Address: D2Common.#10459% ?3 [) }0 C/ B- }" H
Notes:) H% g: e' h; V# Y6 R
/ W, d: L+ c7 X$ m( v2 oint __stdcall DRLG_GetActFromLevel(int nLevel)
: x/ R' L& T8 C" Q- V' A代码:全选) n7 F. L& C( T! `% y
( l& I" N7 N4 e. J
! M; S' m. J: |; X$ d& w Function: INVENTORY_GetFirstItem- R: N9 k0 z" C
Address: D2Common.#10460
# \% p- ]; {, I0 B3 n Notes: G5 g1 X( D- t6 h5 L- T7 h
*/, w& g# \: b3 F$ P* r( W5 [6 `
D2UnitStrc* __stdcall INVENTORY_GetFirstItem(D2InventoryStrc* pInventory)) t5 H) r0 u% C L# \
代码:全选& v, p/ N- e9 s1 Q9 c( B' ], N
, d* }2 d% o: a' |4 R/*" N$ c% P% P3 A* T
Function: ITEMRECORDS_GetMaxStack7 y7 h2 g3 x a' y" ^4 \
Address: D2Common.#10463
3 v8 I% x6 l0 c& s% p Notes:
, ]2 T6 m' S. M ]+ z) V*/
1 |) e1 m2 P& L6 P& h, I1 n1 kint __stdcall ITEMRECORDS_GetMaxStack(D2UnitStrc* pItem)$ l+ I7 e0 B( }+ m: I
代码:全选1 C) Y+ G/ Q/ k# T+ C; _
8 H S/ ?/ i- h- C! v& h% n7 i
4 i/ D% T# e3 R& b1 l! l, Q+ c Function: INVENTORY_GetNextItem% m+ Q! O# j/ T( v" X# Y
Address: D2Common.#10464
2 o' W' o: r5 a4 l- ~* ] Notes:
; ~9 B7 R$ ^1 A( l1 R: N*/0 D* ~) S; K7 W5 u. E! o
D2UnitStrc* __stdcall INVENTORY_GetNextItem(D2UnitStrc* pItem)$ o0 {( o/ u/ [$ ~! L& I3 F
代码:全选9 s9 r# \! P. Z6 ?, p8 p% }
; a5 \9 D0 [' l! B. h/ ]
/*$ N* v) s+ ]$ y: Q5 G6 P* u2 w% U
Function: ITEMS_SetEarLevel
5 v4 E" f" u9 K1 p# l0 H, { Address: D2Common.#10467
$ \/ w' h- v p/ }3 U2 r+ B" p! ~5 p7 ` Notes:
9 K1 Y; X- m, @! U*/
+ P3 s+ B' ?& X, }/ V rvoid __stdcall ITEMS_SetEarLevel(D2UnitStrc* pItem, BYTE nLevel), C& {) y4 C# `: ^( \
代码:全选' V6 `5 ?5 @: g0 K& U/ K
+ n/ w% y2 P7 y& Q& @' O/*
. e% v! g% {2 ^2 \ Function: PATHS_GetType
, H+ E7 T& o N; u Address: D2Common.#10471) C7 b! O5 V8 L8 z
Notes:$ l$ _/ P1 m- k9 P3 [- P) B( x3 {
*/8 B% c& l+ W+ h! o6 g; N
int __stdcall PATHS_GetType(D2DynamicPathStrc* pPath) t( D9 v! x' h
代码:全选( {4 \* G; y+ |: T$ T5 H' e+ }
! t; B9 }+ C0 `8 p6 T! y5 o
3 Y& P4 J4 N: y( H6 @; I Function: ITEMRECORDS_GetUseable
' V" T7 D: l6 D; U Address: D2Common.#104783 S* L! ?+ x2 _0 F( N8 R
5 U* E. M- \3 b( A2 l/ H+ I! S*/
; x$ F; w2 z8 Y, [" cBYTE __stdcall ITEMRECORDS_GetUseable(D2UnitStrc* pItem)2 z7 E( h; K: O5 D6 H
代码:全选( e" l( d& Z) }8 r. M
) M2 A2 _' x# b+ S; |3 o6 `
/*3 A- ]9 b$ W( ^" j8 H8 N
Function: STATES_CheckState# G' M# L3 G6 n) N# h
Address: D2Common.#10494
$ ]8 I0 f, E+ `. Q9 L4 z Notes:
; @ u. {0 j2 C0 R, f$ u, l$ k*/
3 K+ W$ r- w- V2 V& Z2 JBOOL __stdcall STATES_CheckState(D2UnitStrc* pUnit, int nState)5 m% M% G% V, q! {# S# I
4 q8 Y! f; _) [0 d+ V9 V
7 ?; T2 @; f! A0 ?/*, T- N( X! E9 A1 @
Function: LEVELRECORDS_GetMud) l* ]9 x. h* o: c7 Y1 D
Address: D2Common.#104996 E4 q" r( F/ ~; ^" h# f2 W
Notes:/ g% d) M, J9 K& G! c6 O; b
*/. _$ w7 g1 a) r; M) _7 L( J6 Y
BYTE __stdcall LEVELRECORDS_GetMud(int nLevel)9 Z, V/ h& d) f
代码:全选$ C/ M) r5 X9 \ m8 q1 f% W
8 ?& F# k& ]9 f* I$ a% ^/*
& N; C: A9 b4 r& j8 e% ^ Function: ITEMS_SetFormat
; B) b6 F! z, [! U/ o6 m Address: D2Common.#10503
' p+ ?% e: G: j8 M; @! k5 b7 c Notes:
7 {# ~" W0 z" W" M9 l/ K*/
+ l) X/ ^% u. x9 F/ S9 xvoid __stdcall ITEMS_SetFormat(D2UnitStrc* pItem, WORD nFormat)
+ d" p$ e' C) D& D, A0 Y5 A代码:全选# j. B5 J J0 s' f+ v' l
6 O: a4 Y" X' _5 `
/*# v- I1 a4 N* u* Y/ |$ `, h$ o
Function: SKILLS_InitializeList. [' B# } v5 q3 Y% V4 z
Address: D2Common.#10506, R" `; g' A- r* R3 V
: W8 V1 l& ]$ |# A*/" g% [7 b0 l: j5 |* Q
void __stdcall SKILLS_InitializeList(D2UnitStrc* pUnit): j S+ N/ [% g! v
代码:全选. r; f" s' h- l. S
/ D/ b& k% `% r( Z; y# ~
; O+ S! C! G: f; I7 @ Function: SKILLS_GetRightSkill3 O5 ~: }+ u9 q$ U
Address: D2Common.#10507) Z& J& T% g$ o
5 R; j! U; |# R*/
" W3 u2 I& l7 S7 { l0 a" HD2SkillStrc* __stdcall SKILLS_GetRightSkill(D2UnitStrc* pUnit): P: c4 @4 P. ]
代码:全选; W/ z- h+ e$ w$ V' K; a" ]
* d( [+ K; P8 \' c/*
1 }, i" U6 t s: y' r9 T Function: DRLG_GetTargetRoom3 w' q5 R$ i6 y0 ]
Address: D2Common.#10509
6 g/ T' e9 j3 ^& S$ r Notes:
4 C2 N% X7 h. e/ ]: [$ t*/
7 z3 f& }9 `) u$ s# yD2RoomStrc* __stdcall DRLG_GetTargetRoom(D2RoomStrc* pRoom, D2CoordStrc* pCoord, int nUnitSize, DWORD dwCollideFlags, int nA5)
3 v- h" B; u+ b" i m代码:全选
3 R' j# ^3 d: {- p" c" t4 P0 t$ g; g1 J0 r x/ ]
1 A0 x( W5 I# W6 W0 H* G- t Function: SKILLS_GetUsedSkill
3 I4 @5 H$ h' ]8 r! E' } Address: D2Common.#10511" Y9 u) O; `7 v4 i2 q2 G8 F
( P _8 h- I4 L1 M1 p& S( l4 b" K# c*/
" ?; z4 L4 \5 GD2SkillStrc* __stdcall SKILLS_GetUsedSkill(D2UnitStrc* pUnit)) L+ {' {+ R* [. d9 o
, v2 O" B3 L0 z7 y4 N( Y
& v* i6 z8 W+ F) N/*
% ^$ }" c+ c' H$ V# s- N Function: SEED_GetLoSeed
- d0 s( ]) H9 R) l" ~5 x; b Address: D2Common.#10513
; Z- Z) R. \2 Z* H Notes:4 A0 b8 N* h* P9 t
. \! j7 z% L/ `& t) N2 T; \+ bDWORD __stdcall SEED_GetLoSeed(D2SeedStrc* pSeed)
8 p/ D+ W2 W% i# N代码:全选
! i# y# [$ o: F# z5 K9 b
0 r" \1 z7 j6 x3 p! I6 @/*
9 C$ E% J8 O Y. X3 f2 Z Function: STATLISTS_GetSkillLevel
/ v4 G1 V7 g/ m! H Address: D2Common.#10515" F; P5 e& y0 i" o5 O, [# g7 D
Notes:& V- P6 Z- E$ u- S" i
*// ], R0 `. F4 x/ {% r0 L
int __stdcall STATLISTS_GetSkillLevel(D2StatListStrc* pStatList)
; S" z% s* L4 N% Q9 @代码:全选
- ^9 I6 W5 y5 _& C6 y7 U$ q' \; t
& [) j, n" N6 u# P+ d. b5 Q1 N4 |3 M* F/*
+ J7 g( W" s( }% C5 @2 G2 l; b Function: ITEMS_IsMagical' ?8 ~% T& T! i3 O0 d4 {
Address: D2Common.#10516
4 y0 g9 F8 T5 n) p. u* i Notes:
, V! v$ A7 z# m2 G( k0 G0 ^- Z) x3 I*/
, L$ j O3 K7 tBOOL __stdcall ITEMS_IsMagical(D2UnitStrc* pItem)) h+ O% _9 }8 p+ B
m& V8 K. D% `7 z5 g; d5 ]; C
- i, x c( q- C+ a8 K$ R n) A/*
! s8 g) t: ]5 f* g6 u% |2 ~" { Function: ITEMS_SetMagicSuffix
0 C2 l; B( B2 k7 N- k/ L& ? Address: D2Common.#10525* ]: V/ ~$ {/ V0 w* c# w
Notes:+ v3 O5 y$ E8 f/ K7 F% z2 M# Y
1 ~# O9 j ~% d' Y. G. f1 {void __stdcall ITEMS_SetMagicSuffix(D2UnitStrc* pItem, WORD nSuffix, int nPos)
6 F8 l. T; u O$ Q! `6 {; I代码:全选
/ S9 O3 o, z/ o4 t6 X- K$ D' ]2 M0 ~ r! c6 {* N% R3 i$ Y
H4 n3 C4 Z/ X% D; l Function: ITEMRECORDS_GetComponent
8 I F4 A, q) Y" ^( h Address: D2Common.#10530
% z/ f$ p, l0 B Notes:
7 l% d/ I6 K4 z4 r/ }*/
; h* O. |7 @" m& j0 ?BYTE __stdcall ITEMRECORDS_GetComponent(D2UnitStrc* pItem). C Y( q z; E$ r( {
$ i; H; @* W' B3 z, ^
$ c0 D8 q" n( W t7 \9 b# T/*$ b/ o1 G4 ?" H" [# D6 A4 @
Function: MISSILES_GetMaxElemDamage5 i% f& p+ k4 B7 M: s# ~/ N
Address: D2Common.#10532: T( w% J% r, L
3 i- w8 H. f& x; m+ ^- d*/% Q4 |+ }9 t0 s" R" S/ O0 B! l
int __stdcall MISSILES_GetMaxElemDamage(D2UnitStrc* pMissile, D2UnitStrc* pOwner, int nMissile, int nLevel), t b% l P5 [$ J' }+ {( U
代码:全选+ f9 i3 @# Z7 x# }
2 \1 _9 k# }3 S4 Z& t* O6 b
/*. v$ o4 }2 j- H3 N
Function: ITEMS_SetFileIndex
) K2 L8 y# S# B/ J2 T! q0 j Address: D2Common.#105360 N, @ ~4 ^+ b1 H3 W
Notes:# M5 ?# X4 {8 }, h8 v0 z
7 [ G! \8 P$ }) N6 m, qvoid __stdcall ITEMS_SetFileIndex(D2UnitStrc* pItem, int nIndex)
$ g7 M; e8 ^; i4 O+ M/ t9 p; S代码:全选+ v! s o# g4 s2 s3 ^3 B, h% f+ c
0 e- e# I$ j0 s3 C* `" ~! ?
: M( B( A, |, S% i! A' z$ N Function: ITEMTYPERECORDS_GetShoots; ^$ S3 M: V/ F7 M
Address: D2Common.#105430 V- ?& J* D( p7 N6 `
3 D* T+ a: c) n. z2 [*/
7 e; q+ V2 Z, T& R9 Nint __stdcall ITEMTYPERECORDS_GetShoots(D2UnitStrc* pItem)2 d' B- N5 k4 ~
9 m+ O! \* q C* L0 q! \
0 P# C _1 C+ |! O1 M/*/ F0 E) h9 B% N4 t
Function: STATS_Add
: _" e2 G* {& l( g, m( u$ K/ x Address: D2Common.#10551" m% \7 S. d: s0 W
Notes:2 s5 R, S1 ~6 ?" F% m* ^$ n
9 W+ _1 H# C6 Nvoid __stdcall STATS_Add(D2UnitStrc* pUnit, int nStat, int nValue, WORD nLayer)1 \% G3 a9 k3 _: ?' D
代码:全选- U$ {. b/ T" j+ R- K: t
1 N7 ^8 U! F/ w+ j: j0 I
! t: d- g3 c& t7 {, p* r+ u Function: STATLISTS_GetSkillId
T: b6 ?8 o7 x8 b4 P: l Address: D2Common.#10555: B8 D: Z3 r- R7 Z- t3 Q3 z
2 L$ y! x1 ^) T9 v; r*/$ F0 z' }- |& _4 k
int __stdcall STATLISTS_GetSkillId(D2StatListStrc* pStatList)
; u, g3 r" s9 c5 ?代码:全选; _6 p. |( ^9 F( C- z! |/ W0 z. J3 ~
. y# Q& u2 H! m) y/*
1 P* a! p; y: p6 q3 F9 J Function: ITEMTYPERECORDS_GetNormal
( }* ^6 j5 H+ U* w- A! u Address: D2Common.#10556' E5 q7 e" c. P% s/ d. ]8 q
3 L& d1 r, l2 f# n9 T*/
; D% B& E0 a( ^$ sBYTE __stdcall ITEMTYPERECORDS_GetNormal(D2UnitStrc* pItem)
% E K- e- d0 Z代码:全选, }3 o" V# L7 p4 d$ A3 j$ @2 z
6 D- i) \9 |8 {9 H* Z3 z4 Z
/*- @6 Q, \, o) X) s# _
Function: MISSILES_GetElemType/ e3 p; T% j0 T
Address: D2Common.#10557' D( y- `: m1 K2 c8 j
0 [: I6 d4 q- I! Y; H*/ D" |6 U# G3 `6 u& o* p: p
BYTE __stdcall MISSILES_GetElemType(int nMissileHcIdx)
' W1 p# t, `& v, n. |6 ^7 H代码:全选
9 g0 n3 W2 U! `# ]% O1 g( ~$ [0 X, f# G
/*3 a$ [3 u, w) G
Function: SKILLS_GetMinimumDamage
! M3 ?% E F; D/ _* a Address: D2Common.#105679 @9 r, ]! i$ ~9 W) Q" s) R* ]4 h
, \, G& a+ T. _' V& K2 Y4 m( }*/
V/ A% I9 x1 Y! @; u+ Zint __stdcall SKILLS_GetMinimumDamage(D2UnitStrc* pUnit, int nSkill, int nSkillLevel, int nType)
! D, v+ o, M& H. O代码:全选8 ?4 F) }# c3 b5 J2 x
5 F: b) v6 P- n$ ]% T+ u$ y/*
9 N* J( C/ z' u' | Function: STATEMASK_CheckUDead5 e6 Z7 E: L/ s- D) F! F9 p
Address: D2Common.#10576
1 D- @4 @& h/ q) o D Notes:
+ t0 v5 k; k# x; V0 P*/
% k3 | |) _ f( i! WBOOL __stdcall STATEMASK_CheckUDead(D2UnitStrc* pUnit)/ a" A5 g! P! w' R$ C2 h
# i; v0 R# G4 `' [! j G+ m/ x `4 Q+ m j4 F% _+ u; l. e
% t, }9 h3 \* f8 d/ Z. \, | Function: STATS_GetMaxStamina5 y" M8 S; W2 A9 O# _' X; v# Y
Address: D2Common.#105786 z' |. Z- e+ d
5 o' @% x g% ?5 V! x$ n*/
: n* |& V, n7 o( a( H+ I$ oint __stdcall STATS_GetMaxStamina(D2UnitStrc* pUnit)( _: e$ s( K$ s9 E8 L- ?; h" K
代码:全选9 f# n8 b' b% E8 |5 `7 S) K
6 [8 j. |$ Z7 c" z. w$ V3 F/*
& Z# I7 t3 i5 F7 ^) Z/ x. d, r9 b Function: ITEMS_GetMaxThrowDamage: p2 _1 `% o) }9 D1 V3 J
Address: D2Common.#10583: Y7 }& W6 h6 Y7 t2 C2 V4 z7 Y
8 W& z( G0 W; G: k# W- q2 s7 f*/
1 L4 y8 `: U7 m6 P* g+ N Nint __stdcall ITEMS_GetMaxThrowDamage(D2UnitStrc* pItem)
9 k& v+ G3 b1 b Z& D# c' K- d代码:全选
, o! `% o+ j n- ~# j+ H& c* b0 G' M8 p2 P0 p* o
/*1 b2 h( T6 Z9 B* K# T% x, Z
Function: DRLG_GetTownFromAct+ g$ c4 b A& D6 U$ @
Address: D2Common.#10585# i7 ^ m# k! V# x7 @# O% |3 {
! V m( U! ^6 M$ I3 {*/- i# G0 E/ R' O; e9 ?, a
int __stdcall DRLG_GetTownFromAct(BYTE nAct)
# l4 V: r. {2 g+ T/ o4 F代码:全选
: G; m" Z; d9 ]
4 a6 |' b( [, V4 N/*% W3 V& S) F* B4 U
Function: STATS_GetBase
. _. ^! a1 a2 T1 @# }! E# t! Q Address: D2Common.#10587/ U# D4 u$ [5 v: |. |! x6 b+ k% M
. g+ l- p! f9 T, t* B- }% Y1 B: ]*/+ Y; [9 J: O. z2 E. F
int __stdcall STATS_GetBase(D2UnitStrc* pUnit, int nStat, WORD nLayer)3 V8 ]0 u/ F6 k7 u4 ~% W
; K" \& I* |* n5 M3 C& W, X6 T
, F0 Y7 v6 b# X# s- n/*
: ~+ a2 [6 E0 i7 \1 S { Function: ITEMS_GetEarLevel6 X# H; C+ `; U f" a# X% p/ i3 m
Address: D2Common.#105883 ?! v3 C1 Q D# q
" I9 D3 s7 ?- V1 ^# A*/; ?$ ?4 m* A$ _$ r' r% T. L
BYTE __stdcall ITEMS_GetEarLevel(D2UnitStrc* pItem)
7 k% ]& w- T5 M5 V# D9 @: ~& W4 Y代码:全选% j; ~7 g4 p; o2 c7 Q+ n% y
1 E9 ]+ ?0 j9 ~, G! o& A4 K+ Q
7 h: U. {9 r+ X4 c% y Function: UNITS_GetSizeX
# S; N2 k8 U! Y Address: D2Common.#10589% W. O) c4 v! T" k k# X# Q2 d
Notes:% Y* p" \$ E( f: F5 F+ J6 u
; i$ Y0 @: w/ r# r+ ~ \. H& Cint __stdcall UNITS_GetSizeX(D2UnitStrc* pUnit)4 K" M; B, ~# g3 s" j5 G1 K$ m T
代码:全选9 T3 V; E5 e4 Z7 o4 ?' |
( t1 K, o0 K* G1 W8 _2 g
/*1 L( |% @4 v! N# f
Function: ITEMS_GetAttackSpeed
0 q) |+ q: q) U) T) u2 r( E u Address: D2Common.#10592. T% L! Z' v2 m2 |
Notes:7 c. v8 {- m. j0 ~$ C* f( ^
*/0 Q/ f6 L2 z7 h; b& m
int __stdcall ITEMS_GetAttackSpeed(D2UnitStrc* pUnit, D2UnitStrc* pItem)( [3 k+ ~/ H9 P3 _/ j: T+ E( [
0 J6 u4 O0 p4 x P! e0 F7 e7 M9 C& O% f1 H7 \9 v, i, }5 \2 F
$ q- V( z/ g+ } Function: QUESTS_UnsetFlag6 _/ O! B* l5 x" v) d
Address: D2Common.#10593: t5 i. a6 h Z0 L6 R1 ^' e
' [; w, w8 h. ^% P) L8 n*/
( j, X! L, W0 ?- Fvoid __stdcall QUESTS_UnsetFlag(D2QuestFlagStrc* pQuestFlags, DWORD dwQuest, DWORD dwFlag)
. [) H& a" r/ l" O5 m" h代码:全选
( T/ h- q1 _) s3 H, y$ f6 V7 d" ?
( S1 O+ K) C, ^7 N$ V: T/*+ b" @7 \4 W! X! r
Function: SKILLS_GetSkillNo
5 Z* @; A* X% a% \" v4 }0 L4 q Address: D2Common.#10601
: e2 m1 e8 }% j8 r+ s A Notes:
% v" w9 K6 u7 F5 m9 Z*/ Q, p, `% Y! X" I- {2 L- \! @7 R
int __stdcall SKILLS_GetSkillNo(D2SkillStrc* pSkill, char* szFile, int nLine)" H% h6 s& }' Q0 o3 U3 @
代码:全选% i; u. \6 D3 _, _3 i: ?
& ]& Q% P' k H2 C2 `& j$ `- `* ^
/*) r% `- l9 {- v$ M6 }' i
Function: ITEMS_HasUsedCharges; \) ~( n' J- @1 h J5 I
Address: D2Common.#106074 F: v. N& k) D8 S4 f" ~0 {
Notes:- `; e: ^& I% c" y: d
7 A8 G2 c2 r Y3 L: L3 ]* eBOOL __stdcall ITEMS_HasUsedCharges(D2UnitStrc* pItem, BOOL* bHasChargedSkill)( J% W+ A$ _/ P+ X% b/ F
/ l) l0 U& Z! }6 t
& `/ j" v- P) n( B% ]. i- N/*- |# j$ R' G' a; h" H. x8 j; ]
Function: ITEMS_SetRarePrefix
! s* K( m) M, k4 | Address: D2Common.#10611$ F$ o S4 X$ a
$ H' l* R/ |# m# q+ }/ A*/ [! e; ]% l# y$ t% t9 V
void __stdcall ITEMS_SetRarePrefix(D2UnitStrc* pItem, WORD nPrefix)8 Z6 [; M$ ]+ v& l, ~
代码:全选3 V" b/ q2 D2 g7 e# E2 P; g
8 s) V# e& p) ^% N+ |
/*8 h3 w2 z( N* f+ s- F, `0 y9 B
Function: DRLG_GetTownFromAct9 t5 s u8 M: M! Y" E
Address: D2Common.#10613
9 O( q6 I. k1 k$ l9 R9 [" G# @# K Notes:
: y' H7 P+ B! H2 q; I* u*/
2 ]6 V; b' u- Sint __stdcall DRLG_GetTownFromAct(D2DrlgActStrc* pDrlgAct)
1 @, u* n# A; s# S0 ~; E; J' r代码:全选
# f8 `( z/ f; [. }# T- i, w& L- q1 m9 x
/*, |, x6 }- n/ p8 E
Function: ITEMRECORDS_GetHitClass
# S7 ^9 d3 i$ n6 e) a$ w( e) ~5 e2 S Address: D2Common.#10617
% R. K$ f" T! g e. F/ t7 |2 E Notes:& T v( E8 x5 k7 D" B8 }% q/ J
*/, ~! h9 F1 e, d4 H1 P2 M4 A: P
BYTE __stdcall ITEMRECORDS_GetHitClass(D2UnitStrc* pItem)$ K+ P+ w1 C' E" i( S
- \, T4 p8 Z5 i" ^: f) q1 k y* j
' F1 z8 |) E' q8 H; A Function: ITEMS_GetFileIndex
0 W9 b# d! @( G' M9 s Address: D2Common.#10620# X9 x* j+ z* v# j
& G+ Q1 @: G/ \$ i*/9 f2 H) N6 R. ]1 i
int __stdcall ITEMS_GetFileIndex(D2UnitStrc* pItem)
2 q7 ^. f; j1 A. |0 B代码:全选, J0 f3 `$ W3 {; i; {, ~+ c
! v4 B8 \* ?7 ^; E$ {# k/*
/ A9 x. s# k4 B) }: Z Function: STATEMASK_CheckAura! K$ B7 y; Z% O! ^' r/ U
Address: D2Common.#10625+ C! O* c- W; F# o
Notes:) n, S9 {! d. F2 j
*/9 W1 m8 N" `9 w4 R
BOOL __stdcall STATEMASK_CheckAura(D2UnitStrc* pUnit)
3 L- S! ], i' E# o. H代码:全选7 ]: T2 G. T0 ?$ x
7 `, v: R& L3 v8 L( ?- `/*
1 }$ I/ t" ~8 L7 x7 n Function: UNITS_GetOffsets
: ?( l5 ~7 q3 q/ _; v+ | Address: D2Common.#106281 i e' j, z9 z% P$ e
3 c1 Z4 j s4 p" H*/
* o5 g; S. P k% M$ Q: n5 {& jvoid __stdcall UNITS_GetOffsets(D2UnitStrc* pUnit, D2CoordStrc* pOutput)
5 b# T& Z* K% n代码:全选
: Y0 t8 V: n: [2 O( r1 E
$ G: ^- u" m/ v* [/*
& f+ Q* |& o( w/ |- {- A Function: SKILLS_GetSkillFromUnit, N. ~: @0 v" p- N
Address: D2Common.#10630
: d/ i* Y; _3 R4 ]0 g6 Z7 F: v Notes: not __stdcall
; X1 y% s5 f0 l" t4 {# g7 x*/
# T' p, |: z7 P2 P: [+ ]D2SkillStrc* __fastcall SKILLS_GetSkillFromUnit(D2UnitStrc* pUnit, int nSkill)
_6 _& h9 [: k- ^5 E8 w5 D代码:全选0 X4 ~0 S4 T2 ^% |
5 U" _- X3 K% V3 Q: j; I m" C4 c
: {' {. w' i l6 d Function: TILES_GetWarpRecord
3 @8 w- R/ X) F$ @. L- t+ | Address: D2Common.#10633& ]3 f( T' o' J/ O
. I4 I# w8 |- B" \0 l5 O; K* i" A*/# a/ z1 C! v/ M1 ?( {; ]9 V" x$ z8 \0 J
D2LvlWarpTXT* __stdcall TILES_GetWarpRecord(D2RoomStrc* pRoom, D2UnitStrc* pWarpTile)
8 [! {: H* T2 ^. B4 ^- @3 F7 g代码:全选
- Q% R7 o' h) B
* U3 n( [) F7 ?3 r8 ~/*
$ y1 v% {! h, E/ v3 R% I Function: UNITS_GetOffsetX# `: `/ k1 e% C
Address: D2Common.#10651
9 \8 ~7 {3 ?, Q5 E k( T Notes:
5 C& g Y! f, q) R" [5 [*/
3 j+ W2 p( Q4 A, f, K6 o/ ~int __stdcall UNITS_GetOffsetX(D2UnitStrc* pUnit)
2 F0 }+ k2 O$ [0 |代码:全选
8 v: w: B2 o# o, r+ ^/ ^4 l6 \0 f( Q1 I+ r v( {
/*1 @( t2 c9 o) u) J4 J
Function: ITEMTYPERECORDS_GetShoots2 I8 D& P; |6 `# _
Address: D2Common.#10657- \& l }* ?# f# `" F" |
9 l4 H4 Y+ w$ R! U*/
8 n5 n/ I5 |3 U/ s( ~! EWORD __stdcall ITEMTYPERECORDS_GetShoots(int nItemType)
% k6 p: ^4 Z/ m" `* z( l/ m, l& ]9 _代码:全选
% Y" g- I) t3 T2 ^ h
8 s6 r& Z9 A& | C% u" m$ M" p/*
6 l6 z( y/ S. ~0 Q% F& ^0 c# u9 d6 @% J Function: ITEMS_CanTransmogrify
6 x! r- y7 L' Y8 ^+ d' S Address: D2Common.#10661& ^2 b6 H0 K$ V1 M7 T; d
Notes:% P- [! Z6 X/ w6 a5 n9 R
*/) G B$ ?2 V6 G* X
BOOL __stdcall ITEMS_CanTransmogrify(D2UnitStrc* pItem)+ b: _3 [7 Z$ z ]
代码:全选3 D7 w2 N8 X0 f# x0 j
7 S" C0 D2 r- J/*' W& Q/ P" {3 @2 n- O
Function: PATHS_GetDirection
+ _$ v6 j: \7 _* O Address: D2Common.#106633 A' ?; u) U; s+ X* T6 v. c
7 t7 i- G" f$ J2 n. |) f" z3 N6 L*/2 @) p9 g$ J, w, z, Q
int __stdcall PATHS_GetDirection(D2UnitStrc* pUnit) d* M3 w- N% h% a4 v: o4 x
代码:全选; n* n; t) N& c: F2 w
$ M, O0 q7 s0 m! M9 ?/ n, z/*
! S$ x) o' o6 P$ ?$ j Function: ITEMRECORDS_Get2HandedWClass; @. [) C3 r1 g
Address: D2Common.#10664
# F# H' ^; m! m Notes:0 y4 ~; w# _. V8 w1 u7 X: p
*/' p/ X/ v* d6 U- ?, r6 y: `
int __stdcall ITEMRECORDS_Get2HandedWClass(D2UnitStrc* pItem)
4 `, d$ k- c& D; o3 U! u9 Q代码:全选
x/ C; \. w) L3 c9 n* X4 |. O8 O" n- x
D6 G) o8 T" J1 p0 m% y Function: STATS_ApplyProperty! n& i0 H) Z" m
Address: D2Common.#10665% ^& S" h% I& k# K1 P% Y q' Q
Notes: https://d2mods.info/forum/viewtopic.php?p=474486#p474486
- f& R# ~' D$ W+ }/ D* S*/- o* N3 c- L/ G3 e! x. O3 T
void __stdcall STATS_ApplyProperty(int nType, int nArg, D2UnitStrc* pUnit, void* pMODs, int nIndex, int nPropSet, D2PropertyStrc* pProp, int nState, DWORD dwListFlags, int nSubType)6 J$ W4 T: m5 { e
代码:全选 f- M1 G: ^$ e' Y5 P9 u* s* E
O. A& o9 o! Y; q; @/*
$ X d" C: r$ s Function: PATHS_GetTargetGUID
! }* ]8 ~' F- j& H0 ^# @6 e Address: D2Common.#106690 V9 q5 H9 U9 ^* O, B
Notes:/ s$ N' O" @2 I
& E1 _" D0 \ _9 \1 L9 j4 x# fint __stdcall PATHS_GetTargetGUID(D2UnitStrc* pUnit)& ~' [9 d9 h! x
0 p q Y5 Y7 }2 e
$ c+ } Z$ @* C1 q; i7 R7 v/*
M! h) ]7 j6 K- d0 p; E Function: ITEMSTATS_GetDefense
; f" W# O/ K# x& D- d' i1 w Address: D2Common.#10672
& S% @+ s; `) I+ k; ^. I Notes:+ ?2 d+ Q' e0 F) }5 ?, f- `' n% q
" C7 r' B1 y' ], M+ r# _int __stdcall ITEMSTATS_GetDefense(D2UnitStrc* pItem)- M6 v$ q: D7 }3 t& ?- |9 m
- \2 Y- t j5 u6 w- N# c/ R# _- g( u1 g: `7 ?* W
) M/ G1 z& b% v- H" ^" } Function: TXT_GetCubemainRecordCount9 e% \: {$ v4 J2 Y$ f- {5 J
Address: D2Common.#106753 I4 y& t- L3 b% H8 t5 |% K" h+ e
& K# `4 ]( S4 {1 |& `2 h w3 P*/" ]: {3 v; v2 a8 j$ |8 Z% b2 @# s; B
int __stdcall TXT_GetCubemainRecordCount(): @; o% _9 ?/ ?$ X* L% t
代码:全选$ l x- c) Y$ d k1 s, u
" x, b) @5 Z! f2 ~/ @/*
6 ?# P b1 ^, t( l1 Q% M4 }" A8 X Function: STATLISTS_GetStatTotal8 S: k$ y! K* t/ ^7 [
Address: D2Common.#10680
& k; o* B" H0 J# M1 T Notes:
5 V& T. a5 H0 ^% Y*/) t: ]2 n* L: B @; n
int __stdcall STATLISTS_GetStatTotal(D2StatListStrc* pStatList, int nStat, WORD nLayer)5 e& j# n! i4 T- h& L; f
7 r: J8 }5 Z4 Y$ `0 ]
# U$ U4 h6 B+ r: x4 a' d/*
4 r9 P! t+ q* y0 b4 H/ r Function: PATHS_CheckCollision
# S' e8 j; ^ C3 H- |9 f) S2 M Address: D2Common.#10686* S5 {; r- P# }( ?$ P, Y
Notes: not __stdcall9 V( p, c& Q* Y U4 N& i
*/$ \# z5 n8 Q' G! t- ~* A
BOOL __fastcall PATHS_CheckCollision(D2UnitStrc* pUnit, int nTargetX, int nTargetY, WORD nCollisionFlags)
2 ^; y* d" i, \代码:全选1 ?4 u7 [ h8 b! ~8 a4 u8 R
7 ^7 }3 r3 o; _/ v
5 r9 f2 G0 n: p; w* i3 O7 B* | Function: TXT_GetObjectsRecord4 ?: T# R9 y; a7 X% g5 X
Address: D2Common.#10688
; u/ ^" c2 l/ t& Z+ o6 l/ s Notes:- r5 S# g. Y( z7 \7 g9 C+ f0 F
*/: Y) B ~' B# ]
D2ObjectsTXT* __stdcall TXT_GetObjectsRecord(int nRecord)( y& O! E$ d* W/ [; G% W6 W5 A
7 B& ], J7 L1 {& t4 XD2Common.#11169 int __stdcall D2COMMON_GetMissileVelocity(int, int)Adress:[0x7C4A0]& N8 ^6 p2 a8 O- g& [
代码:全选5 ?" G, x( x; n9 E
1 m4 |' y7 y8 M, \D2Common.#11168 int __stdcall D2COMMON_GetUnitPositionY(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x302E0]! L! S M8 l B: B) j* M; }1 ]
代码:全选# B) B$ ^0 U( S
' u* R7 J! w$ D: @0 gD2Common.#11166 void __stdcall D2COMMON_AllocStatListEx(UnitAny*,DWORD, void*, void*)Adress:[0x3AF00]2 w. L. m! [4 n5 N4 n6 u# ?
代码:全选# {2 ]/ R! F" d' t
l- @8 m2 D) L' Y& P: V
D2Common.#11161 DWORD __stdcall D2COMMON_GetSetItemMask(UnitAny*, UnitAny*, BOOL)Adress:[0x23F90]6 P7 E& a' j F7 |$ N
代码:全选/ j$ n, L2 y9 }7 c7 ^( {
, f7 a: L$ L; L/ M( FD2Common.#11160 UnitAny* __stdcall D2COMMON_GetOwnerFromStatList(UnitAny*, BOOL*)Adress:[0x37E70]2 Z* p2 F: ^& G% Q( ]7 I) n
" e8 {. s! K9 ]( Z6 i: m( d: t6 S) u9 H# R
D2Common.#11155 BYTE __stdcall D2COMMON_GetAutoStackFromItemTypeTxt(int)Adress:[0x23590]
4 _- m3 P. w9 F& a代码:全选
4 T! ]4 L) A$ \4 c5 L+ W+ A: T7 `* K4 w
D2Common.#11154 void __stdcall D2COMMON_SetWaypoint(waypointdata*, int)Adress:[0x67C20]3 d# i( ]; i' I4 D9 w
; c+ h9 c- b6 ~' y8 ~
/ W1 F0 k) D8 U$ T$ ^$ \7 Q& m# pD2Common.#11153 UnitAny* __stdcall D2COMMON_AllocUnit(void*, int)Adress:[0x2F370]
2 Q# i6 t4 _) |5 n+ _4 ~代码:全选
/ k% o- N5 W& r+ [
* w \8 z2 ^4 Q+ g) MD2Common.#11151 BYTE __stdcall D2COMMON_GetItemMaxSockets(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x24610]9 I: j& ]7 o0 z0 ^/ ~- d
3 E* f4 o0 I2 @# U2 N' o
2 b2 F$ @6 n+ X8 hD2Common.#11147 UnitAny* __stdcall D2COMMON_CheckIfUnitIsItem(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x1E400]( k3 A e( V$ F. h& G9 ^
0 p0 ~3 x( R. d g" |7 r% E; v
4 m/ e2 z* X/ F* l4 z2 G" CD2Common.#11144 int __stdcall D2COMMON_GetItemQuiverType(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x24E60]
0 O# s5 Z8 a4 J代码:全选) v0 T7 U5 B6 b# _8 m8 R
5 q7 w( A. s; dD2Common.#11142 int __stdcall D2COMMON_GetUnitOffsetY(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x30240]
$ T- b- ^5 ?0 j* f代码:全选% K' ]1 W( H# ^( W, _7 H" l
& X; h0 V. |+ U3 ~( f
D2Common.#11139 UnitAny* __stdcall D2COMMON_GetItemByBodyLoc(Inventory*, int)Adress:[0x1E670]; Y: J+ l9 L6 G# I4 ^
* S( \, j8 ~6 Q5 z' J7 K3 c& d( @2 \- d$ N$ J
D2Common.#11137 BOOL __stdcall D2COMMON_CheckIfItemIndexIsTwoHanded(DWORD)Adress:[0x22E70]# g! V U9 P C& W p% w& l/ u
代码:全选9 M: y& @% U3 @% C/ {: G
G! Y; z( ^ V' s6 ?, ?$ K
D2Common.#11127 void __stdcall D2COMMON_ExpireUnitStatList(UnitAny*, UnitAny*)Adress:[0x3A5D0]7 a5 L( i/ R8 D0 S) a6 |0 T4 U
代码:全选+ W# x* |- m, {( `+ [9 f
3 a( V# h% U# q
D2Common.#11120 int __stdcall D2COMMON_GetClassSkillCount(DWORD)Adress:[0x4E520]( o/ ~0 T, X% h! R6 L2 M. z F
; y1 j9 M( x; a3 U D
, ?3 [2 ]$ c% vD2Common.#11116 int __stdcall D2COMMON_GetItemMaxDurability(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x38FF0]
2 d p- ^ Y& J0 A5 X7 [代码:全选; b2 M8 c+ \, r
0 X9 O$ }* Y# i2 D& c/ W
D2Common.#11111 void __stdcall D2COMMON_StatlistExpire(UnitAny*, StatList*)Adress:[0x3A5F0]
" d* j8 \- A& U% W1 N代码:全选* g$ a( H" h$ I/ q
- M. ~) q1 {0 m8 Y' l$ {! {D2Common.#11110 int __stdcall D2COMMON_CopyStats(StatListEx*, int, void*, size_t)Adress:[0x38710]
/ T8 x' e) ~: S% f. h9 M& b3 l& W代码:全选
7 v1 u. k6 E1 @
& s3 F6 v& s1 [' \D2Common.#11108 void __stdcall D2COMMON_FreeStatList(StatList*)Adress:[0x3AD40]
+ {( W; P ~) u" S u [代码:全选1 m* |6 I/ D4 k5 g# p9 I
. v9 e I- H7 x; C4 N' [
D2Common.#11107 BOOL __stdcall D2COMMON_AddInventoryItem(Inventory*, UnitAny*, int,int, int, BOOL, BYTE)Adress:[0x21DD0]
, f# ^4 K& b5 E' t" V9 [7 g代码:全选5 {3 p2 |( X* X7 s! b
" i/ Y5 b1 B* s. w: QD2Common.#11103 void __stdcall D2COMMON_SetUsedSkill(UnitAny*, Skill*)Adress:[0x303E0]; \7 d a$ m( B& O) `7 B1 @* X
8 S Y/ b% `9 L( z4 c8 s0 r* m
2 Z: Y) z+ f5 ^5 c* f6 wD2Common.#11099 void __stdcall D2COMMON_RemoveRoomData(Act * ptAct, int LevelId, int Xpos,int Ypos, Room1 * pRoom)Adress:[0x3CBE0]: r0 s* {- O9 O1 ~ `- h7 ?$ z4 D2 ~
代码:全选/ c- |3 ?8 Z0 i7 E
$ k$ i& J7 V1 ?& W& ]- t6 i2 i# b7 h+ HD2Common.#11098 WORD __stdcall D2COMMON_GetItemAutoAffix(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x23A90]
4 v5 O% `3 N+ ]代码:全选
6 S. I1 r8 w( y3 r" y8 @. y. |1 J' B' D8 H4 {
D2Common.#11092 BOOL __stdcall D2COMMON_CheckStateMask31(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x33DA0]7 v! e! R r" h) b+ S
% A( R9 a5 f; }! Q2 F: B" X1 J
; i P0 H8 {8 @3 I+ n5 ^3 PD2Common.#11090 void __stdcall D2COMMON_SetAnimMode(UnitAny*,int)Adress:[0x33920]
: B" x5 V4 \# D, ]" ]" h# O代码:全选
: e; E: W `% f# `# B
) q a" z$ [& ~* g! p9 U' A) PD2Common.#11088 int __stdcall D2COMMON_GetItemTypeFromItem(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x230F0]
, Q& i5 v/ H1 A" C代码:全选& J7 {/ @# F. @0 x; K& b- x& f
- O; d, P: e* m& C4 ^. @
D2Common.#11087 void __stdcall D2COMMON_MapToAbsScreen(long *pX, long *pY)Adress:[0x4DB70]
+ v' v6 q: { H$ H4 r- q2 t, H代码:全选, r1 z2 M9 c( r
1 c, Y* n8 ^: ^. S! _/ d& f
D2Common.#11082 BOOL __stdcall D2COMMON_CheckStateMask21(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x33EC0]* U5 D. Z G! Z' e+ {# F+ |
代码:全选0 ]5 Q/ N9 y9 K# ]7 i8 W: J
1 w1 O: o& u/ \9 T/ P& m0 pD2Common.#11081 void __stdcall D2COMMON_SetSkillLevelInList(StatList*, int)Adress:[0x37D40]- |3 F5 \: v1 Q
代码:全选1 i g) H" _+ g9 Z1 @9 n9 h
9 N+ Y, x+ K( W/ X
D2Common.#11080 int __stdcall D2COMMON_GetUnitPositionX(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x30340] : M! u9 [( b9 B% j1 ~4 @" v
代码:全选! N" v5 }9 Y# v9 i
- {! Z" ^7 ]( {$ X6 x& H
D2Common.#11079 int __stdcall D2COMMON_GetSpawnStackFromItem(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x24800]/ _/ h* ^, Q7 r) i# [7 V
代码:全选1 d2 K* T/ `* B, E. `: b& y
' w* E) D8 C4 \D2Common.#11075 BYTE __stdcall D2COMMON_GetStorePageFromItemTypeTxt(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x234A0]
h) k) B% x' s# R代码:全选- z" ^: Y8 Z3 ]# v1 w6 i9 @
, H' f( _. y# t4 ]0 |D2Common.#11067 int __stdcall D2COMMON_GetHoverTxtExpirationFrame(D2HoverTextStrc*)Adress:[0x18240] : P: Q- `' u4 L T: b5 S& j
代码:全选# e6 g+ y8 k/ J9 K8 ]
- E" z. G& U- ~* [/ b& [
D2Common.#11065 D2BooksTXT* __stdcall D2COMMON_TXT_GetBookRecord(int)Adress:[0x714D0]3 s1 N e/ {' A# E+ {' V: \: l
代码:全选$ F; W, w h u+ Z
4 U0 r" a6 w7 k( _7 m, m$ t- ?
D2Common.#11065 D2BooksTXT* __stdcall D2COMMON_GetBookRecord(int)Adress:[0x714D0]
) R. p1 W: d+ M( |. m1 {* ^代码:全选9 A2 K/ E* K7 m6 l3 a
; b+ L. p1 k$ v2 \/ ?' |
D2Common.#11060 DWORD __stdcall D2COMMON_GetStashGoldLimit(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x2E9C0]
- n6 k; |% {: L代码:全选, X1 M3 V6 ^2 k5 y6 H7 g& W& A
; {: `, i9 M' S& e$ R
D2Common.#11059 int __stdcall D2COMMON_GetObjectNameOffset(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x2EAB0]1 h0 ?, H. k- |2 L4 `9 @. b: x
代码:全选+ y+ }6 _ U8 h7 ^* n9 ~
! y; U5 f* M$ p1 W4 S: kD2Common.#11054 BYTE __stdcall D2COMMON_GetReEquipFromItemTypeTxt(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x234F0]7 F, T* c2 |. g) q6 N' K! l4 N
代码:全选3 z$ R/ l% \6 X5 H
8 L* o' X* E, P! N6 b( v
D2Common.#11051 BOOL __stdcall D2COMMON_CheckItemCmdFlag(UnitAny*, DWORD)Adress:[0x238B0] 5 i4 {- X. c6 }4 k1 F3 v
代码:全选1 X% }8 d. y& U% c
8 @* N4 F7 C2 [$ C8 gD2Common.#11050 void __stdcall D2COMMON_SetItemAutoAffix(UnitAny*, WORD)Adress:[0x23A70]" c& K! W0 L' t7 V( G, A
代码:全选 @+ z6 M" I$ E; w! s' v$ }* s. e2 e
% s+ k+ s. p" x- R. h1 L0 B1 F, lD2Common.#11049 Room1* __stdcall D2COMMON_CheckSpawnCollision(Room1*,D2CoordStrc*, int,DWORD, int)Adress:[0x4D810]
# k- m. o( }6 ^! |- [$ k2 y代码:全选
1 j$ S" W1 j4 B& d% i6 b1 _# `, ~9 N/ p# o0 N6 F
D2Common.#11043 void __stdcall D2COMMON_SetListExpirationFrame(StatList*,int)Adress:[0x38380]% f5 o$ g2 Z! B) V
代码:全选: P/ Z' l4 V4 m8 N- `# H. a# p
p$ u8 [3 O* b( ?% `3 s
D2Common.#11038 BOOL __stdcall D2COMMON_CheckStateMask10(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x33F60]+ _6 e' a" a: f ^1 v
代码:全选( h. B: n6 g2 D# T; @3 A
( w5 Z% X- I( }D2Common.#11036 BYTE __stdcall D2COMMON_GetRareFromItemTypeTxt(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x23400]
+ i1 A- I; R7 }& [! n% i代码:全选/ r3 Q: N4 X/ _0 a# _% n- C
* n: ?! e: s H' s Y
D2Common.#11032 int __stdcall D2COMMON_GetRunesRecordCount()Adress:[0x710A0] / y* k* j( q$ y \) t% B8 a; v
* s4 O2 `2 {, ^% s8 h% u O
+ C# Z; k' [( d) {* S9 y jD2Common.#11029 int __stdcall D2COMMON_GetMissileLevel(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x6A2D0] 0 _8 b) y4 l; X( @
2 j d0 i2 z, e! A7 C( Y' p' e
) R4 S2 \9 T: y# T* u- c* pD2Common.#11028 int __stdcall D2COMMON_GetItemSuffix(UnitAny* pItem, DWORD)Adress:[0x23A40]
, V( b5 M1 K4 R; c, A- O; e2 b# I代码:全选, F. F8 _- N1 ~& o: q+ R7 n3 D/ K
% Q) k6 C, B4 s2 y) b
D2Common.#11023 void __stdcall D2COMMON_FreeDataTables()Adress:[0x5E870]: |! ~3 R. _# G F3 }1 l% L" I: o
代码:全选7 E8 Y6 ~( J4 q2 o& x+ K6 ~
; `/ `* _* O& w# e
D2Common.#11020 bool _stdcall D2COMMON_CheckIfObjectIsDoor(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x2EDA0]
- p/ T& G. J+ s2 l8 O代码:全选 x3 @3 i a: V9 D6 ?" c
% z' m" E2 D- [6 Y" N
D2Common.#11019 void __stdcall D2COMMON_SetItemVarGfx(UnitAny*,BYTE)Adress:[0x23650]! _1 i0 \1 h0 P: t Y* f. e, G* h% a
* i s6 |% Y/ A7 Z% x+ `
4 `/ p; [; _& h& K3 c nD2Common.#11017 UnitAny* __stdcall D2COMMON_GetCursorItem(Inventory*)Adress:[0x1DFB0]3 v) F# R/ z3 s7 i
代码:全选& u0 C- ?5 [& e
( @0 u, d+ Y) A6 A- ^D2Common.#11016 void __stdcall D2COMMON_DRLG_RemoveFromRoom(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x66700] 6 {: U, d- A2 y
$ T$ c7 O$ K7 ^; R3 S+ C$ G8 h1 d) X( ?1 V. I3 Y5 I1 T3 P& D+ G4 ^
D2Common.#11015 int __stdcall D2COMMON_GetLevelRequirement(UnitAny*, UnitAny*)Adress:[0x26DA0]
& o* ^% o! \3 z, S代码:全选) ?* d( v0 M3 Y
- ]& y( g5 \5 U/ j+ _0 S0 C9 @D2Common.#11013 StatList* __stdcall D2COMMON_D2CreateStatList(void * pmempool, DWORD flags, int lenght, DWORD type, DWORD guid)Adress:[0x38100]: X7 ~* ~3 l% ^2 @
/ w, r2 i4 N+ K7 m6 V) A o& U6 V# C) o
D2Common.#11006 BOOL __stdcall D2COMMON_ItemIsEquipable(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x23EF0]
7 N0 s' L: K( V2 V5 l! I4 q& w! U代码:全选
; O0 v) {" X( ?& P" U9 E8 r8 d- Y7 i2 |/ @5 V: R, @! s
D2Common.#11002 void __stdcall D2COMMON_FreePlayerData(void*, UnitAny*)Adress:[0x30880]
8 ]5 G: ~6 k. v: f8 b2 U u/ r代码:全选
! B, p9 ?2 @: r5 ~5 U1 h1 Z0 f" m0 X m
D2Common.#10997 WORD __fastcall D2COMMON_GetUnitCollisionFlags(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x2FF30]3 @1 ?; S2 c5 ^) T$ o
$ ]5 x+ V8 n# a& m& Q4 o' ^, J
! _: f4 y, h9 aD2Common.#10996 void __stdcall D2COMMON_ApplyProperties(int, int, UnitAny*, void*, int, int)Adress:[0x460B0]
1 d. b% ?! h3 _* N; |6 H4 x/ i代码:全选1 p9 J( `: i- ]6 Q6 W" q: B0 D
, ]5 {: b9 `7 J1 G! y. HD2Common.#10992 void __stdcall D2COMMON_ItemAddSockets(UnitAny*,int)Adress:[0x2A480]
" Y* K9 Q6 z- \8 P8 s代码:全选
$ y l, L6 ^1 O
/ d' E% g; d/ Q5 y1 X# I9 [D2Common.#10983 int __stdcall D2COMMON_GetTargetXpos(Path*)Adress:[0x34AB0]% u$ l+ y1 F, z' [$ {
* j3 r/ U) ^3 s$ T
# J' p& K2 Q/ n1 @$ `D2Common.#10982 int __stdcall D2COMMON_GetSpawnStackFromItemTxt(DWORD)Adress:[0x22B20]
5 c8 R: v; h0 @; m, L9 P代码:全选
+ A6 D* }6 }9 e% U7 B- I) H& N. R2 A4 G7 l* G& k; Q
D2Common.#10978 void __stdcall D2COMMON_AddSkill(UnitAny* pUnit,DWORD skillID,DWORD SkillLevel)Adress:[0x4ECC0]: _9 |8 ~- S' A( M
代码:全选, M+ }8 O5 h/ T) P3 y6 j
5 E$ F9 Y8 l: HD2Common.#10977 void __stdcall D2COMMON_SetItemFlag(UnitAny* ptItem,DWORD, BOOL)Adress:[0x23900]* _# \$ K" f( L. n9 k8 D5 b6 f. G
0 {4 W2 M6 x8 B( \% M4 K- J, ~9 \& D
D2Common.#10975 BOOL __stdcall D2COMMON_CheckStateMask08(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x33FA0]$ l: \. X" c+ w; B F' y7 T
# D h+ q9 k. i% f
! B, Y8 i' f' |D2Common.#10973 DWORD __stdcall D2COMMON_GetUnitStat(UnitAny* Unit, DWORD Stat, DWORD Stat2)Adress:[0x38B70]
5 J3 d8 b) ]* Z- Q5 ^/ w代码:全选
p2 z8 Q+ j9 _# G" g; v3 K% r7 u6 L+ X
D2Common.#10971 void __stdcall D2COMMON_SetMonsterName(UnitAny*, const wchar_t*)Adress:[0x1A6D0]/ h: v. j1 N# W' Z7 R3 c0 Q% [
代码:全选$ H ^3 a- s! q
( _; H' G/ r' ]/ ]# x8 T' U! G a8 pD2Common.#10957 BYTE __stdcall D2COMMON_GetItemStaffMods(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x246A0]) I! Q# @' M2 D t
4 ^& c$ d, n5 H
0 s( Q8 t0 ]* q" j6 T$ oD2Common.#10951 Act* __stdcall D2COMMON_LoadAct(DWORD ActNumber, DWORD InitSeed, DWORD Unk0, game *pGame, DWORD DiffLvl, DWORD* pMemPool, DWORD TownLevelId, DWORD Func1, DWORD Func2)Adress:[0x3CB30]! x8 r4 Q' e& K9 I# T
代码:全选. x$ r$ C! u3 K8 |$ A
) d% X/ V* I1 G2 t
D2Common.#10947 Skill* __stdcall D2COMMON_GetFirstSkill(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x304A0]1 N! x. D2 B5 s- d c
代码:全选1 j9 a$ n" \+ f$ ^
+ c' u3 R3 l8 h* {8 b7 z1 u% V
D2Common.#10945 void __stdcall D2COMMON_ToggleState(UnitAny* ptItem, int tate, BOOL remove)Adress:[0x34510]
0 {# z- ]7 ~" @代码:全选0 `5 a5 X9 }' i& c
5 G. [* B! ]+ ?1 t1 CD2Common.#10944 CharStatsTxt* __stdcall D2COMMON_GetCharstatsFirstRecord()Adress:[0x5DB50]
& L1 e5 \* I# U, X2 R+ w代码:全选' X: ~) _* Q5 A' ~9 I" D; Z
6 \2 p* l1 L. |# f( [& O
D2Common.#10943 void __stdcall D2COMMON_LoadDataTables(void*, int, int)Adress:[0x66160]$ ~" N* Y/ r- M3 W) O) E( q+ K `
/ @; `' C! A7 p2 U- F
. H: r K8 ?' s; ~0 q, B9 X4 c0 aD2Common.#10935 int __stdcall D2COMMON_GetItemDefense(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x38DE0]. |+ e) ?1 p4 G2 V
代码:全选; o% `8 C# T3 q b! T
( I1 p# R$ T& g. J8 g& RD2Common.#10934 BYTE __stdcall D2COMMON_GetObjectSubclass(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x2ED30]/ u+ N0 |0 H. G3 Z
& F0 j* s( ]7 G% n" o7 e+ e. U4 b8 s D/ C( W' t! D1 J7 Y+ P
D2Common.#10931 BYTE __stdcall D2COMMON_GetItemVarGfx(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x23670]
8 s* U( X4 z9 j1 Q% v代码:全选
1 T4 P2 _2 }# \# p* x$ j [6 L" m( O( e' ~, I
D2Common.#10930 StatList* __stdcall D2COMMON_GetFirstListByFilter(UnitAny*, int,DWORD)Adress:[0x37EC0] \" A. c% b, j! P, O
X! S! @6 }2 i/ E0 \ X. V( u: ?& ?' `. p6 N5 V. m
D2Common.#10927 BOOL __stdcall D2COMMON_CheckStateMask30(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x33DC0]0 u ~3 B- `9 E8 S4 x" m, @9 ]
- w' o! B9 A: U) h5 G4 E! q' d; X1 S: J3 P- U5 Z7 I
D2Common.#10925 int __stdcall D2COMMON_GetItemMaxDamage(UnitAny*, int)Adress:[0x38F60]3 Q" l9 A1 d B+ ~9 A6 G
代码:全选1 r* B2 @6 x' v
! [3 \; F( _! `2 T2 sD2Common.#10920 PlayerData* __stdcall D2COMMON_GetPlayerData(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x2EB70]
, o, d% B' s* r0 B9 w8 w代码:全选0 e6 M4 m! Y/ p4 w: z& b
. k! Z, z7 F. r0 y
D2Common.#10916 DWORD __stdcall D2COMMON_CheckCollision1(Room1* pRoom,DWORD dwX, DWORD dwY, DWORD dwBitMask)Adress:[0x3C6D0]
7 p) n6 ]& S% ?9 A' n9 }3 U# ~代码:全选. o$ ~5 f$ D- a5 I* C# x B
" f5 O' Y9 o) K& D, p4 ~( z xD2Common.#10913 DWORD __fastcall D2COMMON_GetMaxHp(UnitAny* pUnit)Adress:[0x390F0]9 W) Q3 y' w8 f
代码:全选0 p, B5 q- }0 R6 O8 y% w/ O
' t6 ^; W5 E' g
D2Common.#10911 void __stdcall D2COMMON_AssignListExpireFunc(StatList*, D2StatlistExpire_t)Adress:[0x37D70] - g0 [% F6 Q9 t
% m( }0 \8 j0 Z: R4 m8 R) b- s4 Z" y- l
D2Common.#10910 int __stdcall D2COMMON_GetUnitStatSigned(UnitAny*, int, WORD)Adress:[0x39430]
+ R, G/ z( [) s+ c6 ]: _6 f代码:全选
9 ^4 D1 r" @: ~2 [0 g2 `, ?/ Z2 D8 u" v! Y' }1 ^% z
D2Common.#10905 BYTE __stdcall D2COMMON_GetReloadFromItemTypeTxt(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x23540], w8 w; t0 t) T4 o7 a; p2 I5 g
代码:全选 f) D( O. _1 f6 Y% O1 n
) D% J8 }9 ~* @2 i \" fD2Common.#10904 int __stdcall D2COMMON_GetUnitSizeY(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x30EE0]
2 ^, {6 z6 T5 n8 }代码:全选
( s" j$ A6 z9 _. F# I
: j; g' c5 e, V4 v) C! RD2Common.#10896 int __stdcall D2COMMON_10896(void*,int)Adress:[0x7E4F0]
3 y5 [! B' N0 m: f( z: g/ K% ]代码:全选8 B; f' r1 N8 w/ E8 N
& `% D; S. a5 f- k5 `D2Common.#10893 BYTE* __stdcall D2COMMON_GetItemPalette(UnitAny*, UnitAny*, BYTE*, int)Adress:[0x251C0]. I6 D5 a- }. U# D8 u
% [) w G$ T4 d4 r# x
& r, k* r# q8 D c K9 u; y. sD2Common.#10892 void __stdcall D2COMMON_SetItemCmdFlag(UnitAny*,DWORD, BOOL)Adress:[0x23870]
. O) k7 P( p9 _; V0 B代码:全选9 Z8 {" {* |& N5 h) N1 | r
' Q& q7 C! h6 A
D2Common.#10890 void __stdcall D2COMMON_ApplyEtherealBonuses(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x46A40] 1 T) f9 _1 v |# L. c) |1 c
代码:全选1 o8 ~& a, ]% v: k9 C
" k& t% k. `- h! l, _; [
D2Common.#10887 void __stdcall D2COMMON_SetUnitStat(UnitAny* Unit, int nStat, int nValue, int nLayer)Adress:[0x3A740]
2 H6 q+ y2 r7 ^* O5 Y' k代码:全选
# D4 Q& @8 I- I% C7 Y* C2 R; s* k$ I& B- n
D2Common.#10885 void __stdcall D2COMMON_CreateRoomDelete(Room1*, int, int)Adress:[0x3B500]
- H5 X4 R5 w, W$ ]6 G代码:全选
0 }9 }: L3 C: I* O+ ^" N6 j, f
- v, g4 p+ ^ Q& S% m3 o( p UD2Common.#10884 BYTE __stdcall D2COMMON_GetNoPerFromLevelRecord(int)Adress:[0x6CC60] / \( ]: p/ a5 V5 [
代码:全选" D, ]% q# E+ |* S ]
B* c5 Z* Q; N+ z; Q+ |1 L! XD2Common.#10883 void __stdcall D2COMMON_SetItemRareSuffix(UnitAny*, WORD)Adress:[0x23970] 4 l4 @2 @9 B1 Y% Z$ p7 W9 [
代码:全选7 m: ]. T( T8 N+ T4 o" N
( ~" _5 j1 o9 v! R, N" ~4 Z' F: OD2Common.#10875 void __stdcall D2COMMON_SetItemQuality(UnitAny, DWORD)Adress:[0x23B20] % n8 R& }9 H7 j' k: i7 ]
5 {' P( U# v) W u
0 K2 z- @: [% y4 I" v& iD2Common.#10874 void __stdcall D2COMMON_AllocItemData(void*,UnitAny*)Adress:[0x23C70]
2 M5 e G# @6 i K3 _- A% P; d9 }, T) Q/ e代码:全选1 x" ^$ O4 X7 [' m9 j7 u
" v0 I* k% j8 ?' J S
D2Common.#10872 StatList* __stdcall D2COMMON_GetFirstListByFilterEx(UnitAny*, int, DWORD)Adress:[0x384B0] ; j2 l% [* u4 {3 Y) V- m5 p/ G2 m
代码:全选' B% i+ u' n5 Z7 {8 q
! W3 D; ~5 B, ^+ N* x
D2Common.#10871 StatList* __stdcall D2COMMON_GetStateStatList(UnitAny* ptUnit, int StateNo)Adress:[0x38520]
$ P3 d3 o* {! T+ o4 Y代码:全选
/ L/ L& ?; P# f" q* q
$ d; ~" D& J. a9 Q. F5 ND2Common.#10868 unsigned __stdcall D2COMMON_UnloadAct(Act* pAct)Adress:[0x3C990]8 E* G& X2 K$ p: Y% d
5 A$ n, C! W' O& M$ m3 Q% W9 U, D& U. ?. v. D+ L
D2Common.#10867 int __stdcall D2COMMON_GetPosXFromPath(Path*)Adress:[0x34BB0]
% E& X, Y7 E+ a; e4 @7 u代码:全选
5 D& |7 l0 G' U8 l0 {6 r/ |: E* u7 l# A5 H7 B/ f
D2Common.#10866 BOOL __stdcall D2COMMON_CheckStateMask(UnitAny*, DWORD)Adress:[0x33D10]
1 X$ [% C1 q0 G% g1 H代码:全选
3 M5 k3 ~$ y [
0 `: _, r2 C# }3 Y( Q. ^. C8 dD2Common.#10865 BOOL __stdcall D2COMMON_ItemHasDurability(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x26D40]
# J% b9 C1 c. N" ^6 D, w9 [代码:全选
! K. W1 J& N, c* j; W2 Y% p0 n8 {9 \' v" X: N
D2Common.#10858 void* __fastcall D2COMMON_GetSkillData(Skill*)Adress:[0x4E1C0]! _# i8 l4 r# B( j
4 p+ E* k0 o* c6 m# r' C8 P+ l: H3 e# @8 n7 ^5 \, J
D2Common.#10856 Skill* __stdcall D2COMMON_AllocSkillList(void*)Adress:[0x4E3F0]
1 M. _, r2 N6 `1 ?* z3 S代码:全选5 J2 y# Y" y9 l. R5 d: \- U
; J, S5 v1 o+ [' u$ } z+ d
D2Common.#10855 DWORD __stdcall D2COMMON_GetLosDrawFromLevelIndex(int)Adress:[0x2D810]
% }: V$ d: v( T" _代码:全选
( v6 e( Y/ ^2 S5 `
: X. H, m- T; @- J: {D2Common.#10849 void* __stdcall D2COMMON_CompileTxt(void*, char*, BinField*, int*, DWORD)Adress:[0x5EF40]
' k5 C. l! U/ Y E9 ?, t代码:全选
( _% \ a7 D6 ?# k& U9 T4 q1 f9 v- @( n# w% g
D2Common.#10848 int __stdcall D2COMMON_GetStatFromListQuick(Stat*, int)Adress:[0x391A0]
7 m% ^% S) H0 G. x/ O- s7 H/ U代码:全选' }+ A# Q" X9 K% q/ A7 `, u9 y
' l4 r' W. m0 Y# `1 b. v+ \# xD2Common.#10847 int __stdcall D2COMMON_GetClassFromSkillRecord(int)Adress:[0x4E8C0] " D6 h& {0 ?$ H
* [' g$ S: k m! h9 o
/ g4 W' P# i4 ?# {+ V: \$ ~D2Common.#10846 int __stdcall D2COMMON_10846(int)Adress:[0x4E450]
/ L: o# |0 {( [! u9 } }代码:全选3 c- \% q# ?$ K, G. w
, J, j/ e( H) @
D2Common.#10845 int __stdcall D2COMMON_GetThrowMinDamage(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x38E30]
{; g4 V- P/ v+ q6 Y( ]* f9 \. b/ v代码:全选
9 o. b& [' A7 K/ c/ F4 C h* t3 a+ Q# \( F% q1 g: s
D2Common.#10844 BOOL __stdcall D2COMMON_CheckIfItemIndexIsClassSpecific(DWORD)Adress:[0x24320] ( y4 j' }8 B4 \+ e8 [6 f
代码:全选" S1 S1 k( X o* t5 h6 F' L4 M
$ K/ j; b2 ~+ z: E* ID2Common.#10843 BOOL __stdcall D2COMMON_CheckStateMask22(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x33EA0]- P d/ W0 D: h
. ~9 I' V8 O4 N, f7 i3 O( L2 W3 X
$ a1 O% R& t/ E3 x6 dD2Common.#10839 DWORD __stdcall D2COMMON_CheckUnitCollision(UnitAny* pUnitA, UnitAny* pUnitB, DWORD dwBitMask)Adress:[0x314A0]
+ T* R5 ]& ?; O6 |代码:全选) P. g9 |4 y) e1 A. ?
6 a# S4 J2 J% X6 J: {3 F
D2Common.#10838 DWORD __stdcall D2COMMON_GetItemFlags(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x238E0]
2 R: m$ |3 p' _# I代码:全选! P- N9 l. T g' T
! @: x. ~& v4 C5 O# W4 Q: ^+ p5 \
D2Common.#10835 BOOL __stdcall D2COMMON_ItemIsBeltable(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x2F8A0]
) d" m2 Q5 F6 E6 O6 P代码:全选
: r4 I" A% ]& V% t( G5 W1 b0 Z% Q4 w5 ?8 V9 t
D2Common.#10830 int __stdcall D2COMMON_GetAlignment(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x391F0]
; M% n- t L$ t代码:全选
4 f$ U; F E* U/ {: |# `* g+ a9 o9 \: H! h2 t
D2Common.#10828 Skill* __stdcall D2COMMON_GetLeftSkill(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x30460]
0 J* C" Q! k! y) b代码:全选
9 Z: A' g, k6 ~4 x; [ z2 V& I# i: Z- h4 u I2 X0 c
D2Common.#10827 D2ArenaTXT* __fastcall D2COMMON_GetArenaRecord(int)Adress:[0x7FF80]" W+ H& g C5 Z
代码:全选5 y2 {" ]( z8 L" ~1 R8 H- J5 K9 W
: n( z4 {, d3 _ u& dD2Common.#10826 int __stdcall D2COMMON_GetLevelNoFromRoom(Room1* pUnit)Adress:[0x3C000]
0 z/ {5 c8 Q# `" z代码:全选9 |) s8 N; ~1 ]3 Q
1 y( y( o3 i1 I; P$ @ A$ l
D2Common.#10824 BOOL __stdcall D2COMMON_CheckStateMask20(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x33EE0] & d( S" U0 d$ x/ ]
6 v/ {: S+ }! `4 F( W7 E# W& q' n, B5 Z
D2Common.#10823 int __stdcall D2COMMON_GetItemMinDamage(UnitAny*,int)Adress:[0x38ED0]
5 J' s4 S# C* E2 M" D. ~# T+ R. \代码:全选
+ D' R6 ]9 e9 B R0 B) b
0 N- O. s: {" N; _; ZD2Common.#10822 int __stdcall D2COMMON_GetClassFromItemType(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x24280]
+ m4 M, l/ O2 S5 Z/ w1 ^: b代码:全选: N0 q& j3 I0 v! y) P
* q* M% x9 A; w# R* ?5 P, ^
D2Common.#10820 void __stdcall D2COMMON_FreeInventory(Inventory*)Adress:[0x21B40]
$ c& H1 `( s+ ?0 r* s) I1 u! |代码:全选
' |& E( E; v' V. h) W+ F+ Q0 {8 X& K8 h: S/ G
D2Common.#10816 Room1* __stdcall D2COMMON_FindRoom(Act*, int, int,int*, int*, int)Adress:[0x3CDF0]3 H0 C( O, L# ]7 y4 f7 N- e
代码:全选8 I P& M7 }) L' c' I) }+ m+ [
/ t6 M% A7 O% ^# ~ _/ a/ h# [
D2Common.#10814 int __stdcall D2COMMON_GetItemIndexFromCode(DWORD)Adress:[0x71940] 8 \% g4 j' m( V7 M( ?6 V
代码:全选* p5 V! g$ f0 \6 }$ }
2 I6 D# u* K( c* I3 KD2Common.#10808 DWORD __stdcall D2COMMON_GetTargetType(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x2FDB0] 9 `( k. t; t6 p' H5 e6 J
代码:全选0 @: O O' ]1 n5 e0 @8 M R
: H( W2 B' f' K0 _D2Common.#10807 void __stdcall D2COMMON_D2AssignStatList(UnitAny *pUnit, StatList* pStatList, bool arg3)Adress:[0x3A7D0]6 e/ r z5 n. Y' d- V' B6 z. ?
1 h" }( d. `5 g" m7 A
) y: m# k. {$ J' `+ L, tD2Common.#10806 GemsBIN* __stdcall D2COMMON_GetGemRecord(int)Adress:[0x71570]
4 h' a& q) E' X代码:全选
& k: d3 R/ g! d
6 B4 y. N6 [/ c+ t+ J: h/ ?D2Common.#10802 DWORD __stdcall D2COMMON_GetCodeFromItemTxt(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x23290]
1 I2 s' H% A& l代码:全选# R. e. w; J/ S# \: v
' t2 C7 [7 W7 s5 d4 b$ D8 wD2Common.#10787 int __stdcall D2COMMON_ValidateSkillUsage(UnitAny*, Skill*)Adress:[0x52340]" |1 q/ b2 }2 h: N0 @
4 I/ Q* l8 b0 {! m
# t! W2 k8 e$ K. N& Z2 [# h iD2Common.#10786 int __stdcall D2COMMON_EvalSkillCalc(UnitAny*,DWORD, int, int)Adress:[0x51BF0]
3 y. Q2 X: g C' r6 b: c j代码:全选0 s4 t8 M8 K7 d* Q( ^
( v1 X8 c7 O8 C3 X# {
D2Common.#10785 void __stdcall D2COMMON_AssignListState(StatList*, int)Adress:[0x38060] , N' f c' U+ ^/ Y6 r/ ~
$ c' `4 n9 }) |3 [4 o" m3 m' c- o% D7 d8 D8 B: {! d% q0 t
D2Common.#10783 CubeMainTxt* __stdcall D2COMMON_GetCubemainRecord(int)Adress:[0x1B890]2 B) _% X0 ] K" X6 V, a: Y2 O
0 j6 T2 R2 g( {. H( u8 t2 U7 T: _0 l& y) H
D2Common.#10782 void __stdcall D2COMMON_InscribeItem(UnitAny*, char*)Adress:[0x236D0] ( D" V4 j V9 w0 T1 L8 e
6 i, u; h+ l7 A/ C# R
" z. `" ^3 U4 LD2Common.#10769 int __stdcall D2COMMON_GetDistance(int, int, int,int)Adress:[0x34580]
4 E3 h, U! }% l% S" m代码:全选
* Y/ @. h7 i- M8 u" c. o% }% d
# f+ C- X2 F$ ]% y. Q7 Z$ {$ ?: C6 QD2Common.#10766 DWORD __fastcall D2COMMON_GetHiSeed(D2Seed*)Adress:[0x36700] 9 a# y! v2 k: d3 y
; ^! }7 z6 d2 X, H0 u) L, y9 J4 j4 w3 |- n
D2Common.#10764 int __stdcall D2COMMON_GetTargetYpos(Path*)Adress:[0x34AA0] ; o4 D$ g& ?9 q6 y% y3 g
" V5 ^8 Y& z: V, e% Q
+ S) \0 p' V3 `4 Q7 _; QD2Common.#10761 BOOL __stdcall D2COMMON_CheckStateMask04(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x34040] / {5 [; H1 [ l! K- r0 j2 F
. }' [# @# I0 ?$ ~7 ^8 p5 M% s2 q( d4 l
D2Common.#10757 BOOL __stdcall D2COMMON_ItemHasInv(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x246F0] $ n5 p( e; A( N# ~% i0 t3 p
& s4 n' C4 w/ B; m5 ?- X/ V0 }5 l# L% }; ?( ?# L3 n" K4 k; C
D2Common.#10750 int __stdcall D2COMMON_GetPosYFromPath(Path*)Adress:[0x34B80]
0 N% u4 l. c( G代码:全选 g* j0 b. s; _
, K9 h& ?% \) wD2Common.#10749 void* __fastcall D2COMMON_GetLevelDefRecord(int)Adress:[0x6CB20], X* j$ S* W# Q) T; o0 {
代码:全选! C Q) i+ R' r; [
, a/ J) f9 ^1 i. G6 k, f. S& j ND2Common.#10744 int __stdcall D2COMMON_CheckItemType(UnitAny* pItem,DWORD itemType)Adress:[0x24430]
; c* R6 z3 a- S _: P8 Y/ r代码:全选
. U8 Z" s: Y+ A; t" [+ m$ G# j/ X4 z( r4 Q: U: ^
D2Common.#10725 void __stdcall D2COMMON_SetSkillInList(StatList*, int)Adress:[0x37D60]
% ^) k1 F' Y0 d9 c代码:全选' [# a2 C5 H$ o& r) j
1 s7 K4 W0 }$ _6 v# j/ y6 nD2Common.#10722 BOOL __stdcall D2COMMON_CheckStateMask23(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x33E80]8 G p8 D# g3 j! l9 _& f
4 [. V, v2 K2 Q! ^% {
' k' {8 T/ q# Q3 A7 ?. XD2Common.#10718 WORD __stdcall D2COMMON_GetItemFormat(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x221C0] - ^2 W) a+ {8 a9 f
代码:全选( h' j8 q; w7 E5 h
$ s: `4 I% K9 bD2Common.#10717 Room1* __stdcall D2COMMON_GetFirstRoomFromAct(Act*)Adress:[0x3B550] % j( \( W' t7 U" s! I
0 q( a) B: Z9 V) X+ y8 t
: ^1 |% @0 q' yD2Common.#10710 BYTE __stdcall D2COMMON_GetMagicFromItemTypeTxt(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x233B0]0 t- q! t- I9 v; W- K! F
代码:全选- l( ~: k& k3 c5 `- M( `4 L( n
7 z. F% u5 {& O; i5 `. a4 D7 V4 FD2Common.#10708 Skill* __fastcall D2COMMON_GetSkillFromUnitEx(UnitAny*, WORD, DWORD)Adress:[0x4F080] 3 f( x. {9 l9 Q. U- e
' @3 J3 q6 z/ c0 y) K4 ^: g E5 o% {* {( M% ~; q
D2Common.#10698 int __stdcall D2COMMON_GetItemNodePage(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x1E8C0]7 _. u' A5 V3 D( t4 t0 u
代码:全选7 T7 y; H4 E2 k6 a C
L1 ?) X& R" c) d. w$ `6 ZD2Common.#10696 BYTE __stdcall D2COMMON_GetRangeAdderFromItemTxt(UnitAny*)Adress:[0x22F20]
, A9 I/ _5 }2 [5 x代码:全选0 m! _4 W- T5 N" b8 t. ?
' w a0 l4 _' |+ u) C: Z- u
D2Common.#10695 D2ItemsTXT* __stdcall D2COMMON_GetItemRecord(int)Adress:[0x719A0]9 v0 P, ?+ }, F- j8 U
代码:全选* @; \" ^2 }, m; m0 _8 |
1 N# O) `) d( u5 j' X& k7 y1 n) ~D2Common.#10688 ObjectTxt* __stdcall D2COMMON_GetObjectTxt(DWORD objno)Adress:[0x3E980]0 y) Y" U" e7 p& T5 q
& s' Q0 l& L- h